How to replace the wiring in the apartment - step by step instructions

Replacing wiring in an apartment is most often carried out during a major overhaul. The need to change the old line is due to the fact that it is not intended for modern electrical appliances. During the construction of old-style panel houses (Khrushchev and Stalin), a network was allocated to each apartment, capable of withstanding a load of 3 kW, which is obviously not enough for modern household needs. Next, we will consider in detail all the stages of work to replace the wiring, as well as a visual video instruction in which the entire process is described in detail.

Stage 1 - Determine the front of work

The first thing you need to start with is to find out in the management company or energy sales organization whether increase allocated power, since replacing the wiring without increasing the allocated power will not solve the problem of the knocking out machine when the washing machine and electric kettle are turned on. Even if you were denied an increase in the allocated power, still calculate the wiring for the required load and lay a three-wire circuit in case you reconstruct your house and replace the riser with the organization grounding in the apartment.

Next, you must determine whether to completely change the line or only certain areas. Here, of course, it’s your business, but we can say with confidence that the buildings of the 60s used a small section of aluminum conductor, most likely without grounding, to create an electric network. This option is extremely dangerous and can not even be partially restored, so it is better to completely replace the wiring in the apartment with your own hands once and be calm.

If the conductors are in this condition, the apartment wiring must be changed:

Damaged, shrinking insulation

Old Outlets

You must also evaluate your strengths and decide whether the wiring in the apartment will be replaced independently or if a specialist call is required. There is already a stick from two ends. On the one hand, there are no particular difficulties in wiring the line, but on the other hand, special tools, calculations and certain skills in working with electricity will be required. If you still want to test your strengths, then we will consider in detail all the stages of work in the form of step-by-step instructions.

Immediately recommend viewing the steps for replacing the wiring in the video:

A good example of electrical work

Stage 2 - Determine the scheme and materials

Now we directly proceed to the settlement work. First you need yourself draw up a wiring diagram, which will indicate the installation locations of new switches, sockets, junction boxes and powerful household appliances that will be powered directly (for example, an electric stove).Graphic Design Scheme

We recommend that you review wiring diagram in a studio apartment, which provides the simplest option for outputting a lighting group and sockets in all rooms. Next, based on the scheme, you need to calculate the amount of materials, while choosing the most suitable characteristics.

It should immediately be noted that the apartment is used installation of hidden wiring, which is associated with many nuances: electrical safety, the effect on the interior of rooms, fire safety, etc. At the same time, nobody forbids replacing the electrical wiring in the apartment with an open house with their own hands, it all depends on your preferences and strengths.

We advise you to adhere to the following recommendations in order to replace the wiring correctly:

  1. Cable - copper, three-core, with a cross section of at least 2.5 mm2 for outlet group, 1.5 mm2 for fixtures and 4 mm2 for powerful electrical appliances. Recommended to implement cable section calculationto precisely determine the appropriate core diameter. As for the brand, it is better to give preference to an expensive foreign marking product NYM. From domestic, which are cheaper, we recommend using VVG or better VVGng-LS.
  2. Protective Automation. You can’t do without it, because when replacing the wiring in the apartment, it is necessary to protect the wiring from current leakage, short circuit and overloads. For this, an UZO and a circuit breaker (or a combined device - difavtomat) are used. The machine and RCD have various characteristics that are selected based on the loads on the line. For example, for a three-room apartment, it is customary to install 16A machines on sockets, 10A for lighting, 32A for a powerful electric stove. The rating of the opening circuit breaker on the switchboard is indicated in the power supply contract, as limited by allocated power. The residual current device is set to a value higher than the machine. From manufacturers, we recommend giving preference to leading companies - ABB, Schneider Electric and Legrand.An example of the location of protective automation
  3. Junction boxes for the apartment are selected based on the branching of the groups and the cross-section of all conductors. Rectangular and square boxes are more capacious, but round ones are much easier to install.
  4. Sockets must be grounded, to protect against children, purchase products with special curtains that will prevent foreign objects from getting inside. Pay attention to product labeling so that the outlet can withstand current loads, otherwise problems can not be avoided in the future when connecting powerful household appliances.
  5. Twisting is prohibited, the list of permitted connections is given in PUE 2.1.21 (Chapter 2.1 PUE), we listed them in the next paragraph.
  6. Conductors of wires and cables can be connected using screw and spring clamps and terminal blocks, welding, soldering, bolts, using pressure testing. Currently, one of the most convenient and popular types of connection are the wagon terminal blocks, they are great for most cases and easy to use. Crimping with sleeves is a good type of connection, but a special tool is required. Nevertheless, the most reliable connection is welding and soldering, but also the most time-consuming. You can read more about this issue in the article.
  7. There are no special requirements for switches, the main thing is that they are convenient and safe. Among alltypes of light switches Keyboards and dimmers are popular.

After calculating the amount of all materials for electrical installation and choosing the most suitable product models, go to the store with a list of purchases, and then proceed to replace the wiring in the apartment.

Stage 3 - Dismantle the old line

Now you can replace the old wiring. To do this, be sure to turn off the electricity at the entrance to the apartment, remove all the interfering furniture and begin to destroy the wall decoration.Cable dismantle

The wiring in the apartment is replaced by junction boxes in each room. These electrical “dots” can be detected by plastic covers in the wall or eye-catching contours through the wallpaper. The lid is twisted, after which all twists are disconnected, and the old cable is carefully released from the putty strobes. You can also find a wire in the wall using homemade metal detector, which is created from improvised tools in a matter of minutes.

We draw your attention to the fact that in some places the line cannot be dismantled from the wall without significant structural damage. In this case, you can do without gating if you cut off the problem area and carefully insulate it, leaving it in the old gate!

Stage 4 - Laying New Wiring

Now the most important thing is that you need to independently replace the wiring in the apartment with a new, more reliable one.Laying a new line in the strobes

We will not dwell on this stage in detail since in detail installation of electrical wiring in the apartment we considered in the corresponding article.

When the replacement of the apartment wiring is completed, it is imperative to photograph the wiring of the cable along the walls. This is done so that if problems arise, you can easily find the damaged area in the photo.

Do not rush to cover the gates with a solution, you need to do this after all the wiring has been checked for operability.

The video below demonstrates an example of a new wiring in an apartment, after replacement:

Ready wiring

Stage 5 - Verification

Well, the last, no less important event - the dialer of the new wiring in the apartment with a multimeter. This device will allow you to determine the performance of the wiring and the presence of a short circuit, if you suddenly connected something wrong. If the device does not show errors, it means that you can connect the finished line to the input shield and check the performance of all lamps, switches and sockets. About how it is performed cable continuity, we told in a separate article.Using an indicator screwdriver

If all circuit elements work, turn off the power again and go to sealing strob. On this, the replacement of the wiring in the apartment with your own hands is considered complete. As you can see, the event is quite time-consuming and requires skills, but still, with great desire and care, you can independently carry out electrical installation. We hope our step-by-step instructions were useful and understandable for you!

Finally, we recommend watching a video, thanks to which it will become clear whether it is worth changing the old wiring in the apartment or whether you can do with a partial replacement of the mains:

Pros and cons of wiring replacement

Related Material:

A good example of electrical work

Ready wiring

Pros and cons of wiring replacement

(12 votes)


  • Alf

    Still not laborious.
    What a great brain it occurred to shred walls to hide wiring, then shred again to replace ...
    When easily and simply the same wiring is laid over the walls and, if desired, is closed in a protective box.
    That would be adequate.
    Shredding walls is completely inadequate and illiterate.
    And those who already live with shattered walls with hidden wiring find themselves in a very difficult position.
    There is only one way out - disconnect the old wiring and make a new one, on top of the walls.
    It is important.
    Including because with any damage to the wall and the joints of the walls irrevocably collapse and crack, which violates the noise, heat, moisture and other insulation properties of the walls.

    To answer
    • Eugene

      Alf, you're wrong!

      To answer
    • Anton

      Box ??? This is vulgar, the living space will look like some kind of office.
      The best option in my opinion is “shredding walls” and laying corrugations. In such cases, if you need to replace the wiring again, you will not have to shred anything.

      To answer
  • Valery

    Thank you very much for the article, very informative, and thanks to the photo you can see visual replacement instructions.

    To answer
  • Tatyana

    Very useful article. Thank you. I was excited to see the granddaughter in a very old apartment blinking lights with the lights off. Now I understand what it could be because of, although it is clear that the ancient apartment ... certainly requires (except for overhaul of the apartment itself) the replacement of all electrical wiring.

    To answer
  • Svetlana

    Tell me, please, will the independent connection of the new wiring and the new distribution cabinet be legal, if done independently? Or is it necessary to call an electrician?

    To answer

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