How to conduct electrical wiring in the bath and what is needed for this

As you understand, the bathhouse is a building with high humidity and temperature. In this regard, the wiring in this room has its own characteristics, and most importantly, differences from wiring installation in the house. In this article, we provided step-by-step instructions on how electrical wiring should be done in the bathhouse with your own hands and what requirements are presented to it.

Primary requirements

Among the main requirements for posting in the bath are:

  • In a wooden bathhouse, wiring should be carried out in an open way in cable channels, PVC corrugation, metal copper or steel pipes. In the bath of non-combustible materials (cinder block, brick, etc.) you can do covert wiring. A cable or wire with insulation that is resistant to high temperature is laid in the steam room, in practice it is most often used RKGM. In fact, here we only need to connect the fixtures, if they are placed in the corners, then we can make wiring in the adjacent room and make a connection to them through the wall. In the rest of the rooms they make along the shortest path to electrical appliances (for example, to a lamp).
  • In the dressing room and in the shower (washing), electricians advise VVGNG-LS, laid in pipes or hidden (if the walls are made of fireproof material).
  • The circuit board must necessarily include circuit breakers and RCDs with a tripping current of not more than 30 mA, preferably 10 mA.
  • Do not install sockets and switches in a washing or steam room. Place them in the waiting room. All electrical fittings should be mounted outside the room, at least at the entrance, the requirements are similar to the placement of outlets in the bathroom -
  • Protection class electrical outlets and switches should be no less than IP-44 (accessories with special protective covers). The protection class of luminaires for the bath should not be less than IP-54.
  • It is forbidden to conduct electrical wiring over the furnace.
  • For the room you must make groundvery well if lightning protection is organized.
  • Wire connection can be terminal, welding, soldering or crimping with sleeves.
  • Pass the cable through the walls in a metal pipe.

The requirements for wiring in a wooden bath are basically the same electrical wiring in a wooden housewhat we talked about in the article that we referred to.

We also bring to your attention several useful tips for installing electrical wiring in the bathhouse with your own hands:

  • Route the cable to the bath with a cross-section corresponding to the electrical appliances in it. Especially if you have powerful electric heaters installed, for example, an electric stove-heater and other appliances.
  • Be sure to install a protective plate of non-combustible material between the wooden wall and the switch / socket.However, disputes arise on this score, since modern wiring products are already made of plastic that does not support combustion and they have a back wall that is adjacent to the wall.
  • When using cables with -ng-LS insulation for external installation in the cable channel, it is permissible not to lay a non-combustible lining between the wall and the cable channel. In all other cases, it is necessary to separate the wires from the wall by a distance of 10 mm, or to lay a strip of fireproof material.
  • Retro wiring on insulators - allowed according to PUE paragraphs 2.1.4, 2.1.37, 2.1.39, 2.1.40, tables 2.1.2, 2.1.3.


We bring to your attention the wiring diagram in the bath:

Scheme of the shield in the bath

By analogy, you can draw a diagram yourself, the main thing is to mark all the elements and indicate the exact place of their placement.

It is recommended to hang the switchboard in the vestibule or rest room, as These rooms have low humidity.

Main process

In order to do the wiring in the bathhouse with your own hands, you need to carry out a set of measures, namely:

  1. Calculate cable cross-section.
  2. Select wiring products.
  3. Lay the wiring from the house to the bath.
  4. Perform internal electrical work.

We will briefly consider each of the stages, after which we will provide you with visual video instructions for this event.

Calculation of a suitable section

At this stage, it is necessary to correctly calculate the cross section of the cores, so that in the future the electrical wiring in the bath could withstand current loads.

Wire cross section selection

It is best to consider the calculation technology using an example.

Let's say in the bathhouse we will have 5 fixtures of 100 watts each, an electric stove-heater and a heater (in the relaxation room). The average power of the stove is 4 kW, the heater consumes another 2 kW. In total, we have 6.5 kW of power consumption from all electrical appliances. To this figure, it is necessary to add a minimum power reserve of about 20%, which will total 8 kW. To determine the amount of current by which we can choose a suitable section, it is necessary to divide our total power by voltage (usually 220 V). The result is that 8000/220 = 36 amperes. It is advisable to choose a bath copper cable section 4-6 mm.kv., which is able to withstand such current loads.

We draw your attention to the fact that, according to the same principle, a suitable circuit breaker is calculated. Only in this case the power is used not of all devices, but of the necessary circuit, for example, lighting or separately for the furnace. In this case, the rated current of the weakest point is taken into account, for example, for most outlets - 16A, as well as the section of the laid cable, see PUE table 1.3.4.

Hardware selection

Using the tips that we have provided you, you must choose the electrical fittings and other components for electrical wiring in the bath yourself.

Moisture-proof sockets in the bath

As we already said, for sockets and switches in a bath it is best to use a cable VVGNG-LS, or an analog - NYM. The minimum cross section for outlets should be 2.5 mm.sq., and for switches 1.5 mm.sq.

Fixtures must be waterproof, while their characteristics should be suitable for rooms with high temperature (for steam rooms). For sockets and switches, the degree of protection should be more than IP-54, and the case must be resistant to elevated temperatures.

Put the machine on sockets at 16A, on lighting 10A. The value of the input machine depends on the circuit board and the load in the bath. RCDs are recommended to be set at a value higher than the rated current of the machine. About the leakage current was mentioned above.

Be sure to purchase the amount of all materials with a margin, because sometimes marriage comes across or calculations are inaccurate.

Cable routing from the street

At this stage, the electrical wiring must be connected from the street panel to the bath panel. There is an air and underground way of laying.Which one to choose for you, we are not advisers here, we can only tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of both methods.

The air way of laying wiring is cheaper, but at the same time less durable (due to the fact that a cable suspended in the air is used). Sometimes there is a break in the line with strong gusts of wind, or mechanical damage. About, how to conduct electrical wiring on a cable we told in the corresponding article.

Cable to the bath

The underground laying method is laborious and more expensive. It is necessary to use an armored cable or ordinary, but in the latter case it is laid in a pipe. You should also take into account the requirements and recommendations described in the article: how to lay the cable underground.

Electrical work in the ground

Nevertheless, our advice is the aerial wiring to the bath, as In this case, you will save your money and do everything very quickly. Damage to the air line is extremely rare, so there is no point in overpaying.

Internal wiring

At this stage, it is necessary to carry out the installation of electrical wiring from the inside for all rooms in the bathhouse. As we already said, it is necessary to use an open wire strip in a special corrugation made of non-combustible material, in a cable channel or on insulators.

Posting in the bath

When all the wiring is completely diluted into rooms and connected to fittings and fixtures, it is necessary to connect to circuit breakers, RCDs and other protection equipment in the shield.

Important! Due to the danger and difficult environmental conditions in the baths, it is better to entrust this work to a specialist, but now you can verify the correctness of his actions during installation.

Video instruction

We provide you with installation instructions for wiring. A video clip will help you answer some of your questions and more clearly show you all the technology!

Now you know how to do electrical wiring in the bath and steam room with your own hands. We hope that the provided step-by-step guide, scheme and basic requirements have helped you deal with this issue!

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(12 votes)


  • Vitaliy

    Tell me, the wiring diagram of a single-phase network can be powered with a 4 mm. Sq cable from the shield on a pole with a three-phase input. As I understand it, one phase is 5 kW, well, I have one phase in the bathhouse and 5 kW is enough. Wire 4 mm2 It will be 35 meters long. Enough of that. And yet, put the automatic machine at the input in the bathhouse one or bipolar? You have a single pole circuit. What does it matter? And is it possible to do without an RCD? A little expensive. Thank.

    To answer
    • Admin

      For a small steam room 4 sq. Mm, in principle, should be enough. One phase and zero (PEN) are taken from the outdoor panel. Wiring in the bath is done three-wire necessarily with the grounding of lamps and sockets. The installation of an RCD is mandatory, why risk health and property. Near the bathhouse, re-ground by making a circuit and grounding.

      To answer
  • Vadim

    RCD - set. which did not name. the video is useless

    To answer
  • Sergei

    The video is useless. Who will do such baths with their own hands. They will call Mr. Sablin.

    To answer

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