The main criteria for choosing an electrical panel

The so-called "heart" electrical wiring in the house is an electrical panel in which all circuit breakers, RCDs, difavtomaty and even an electric meter are installed. It is from the switchboard that the wiring is carried out in the rooms, so you need to seriously approach the issue of choosing the variety of this product. Next, we will tell you how to choose an electrical panel and which is better for an apartment, house, cottage and even a garage.

Installation method

The first thing you have to decide with is which design of the switchboard to choose - outdoor or built-in. If you have plasterboard walls in your apartment or house, it is better to choose a built-in electrical panel that does not so much damage the interior of the room. However, if the walls are concrete and there is no way to make a niche, the installation of an overhead electric shield is allowed.

Recessed housing

Overhead switchboard

In the country, you also need to look at the circumstances. For example, in a wooden house or in a bath it is better to put a more secure waybill.

A guard in a wooden house photo

As for the garage or the production room, you can not worry and install a hinged electrical panel on the wall, which is much easier to install.

Entry to the garage

Production material

When choosing an electric shield, special attention should be paid to the material from which it will be made - plastic or metal. A plastic shield is much more beautiful, therefore it is recommended to choose it for an apartment, private house or office.

Plastic case with transparent door

The metal case is more durable, strong and reliable. It is better to choose such an option for an electrical panel for a production room, garage or street.

Metal cabinet

We draw your attention to the fact that if you decide to choose a plastic electric shield, be sure to buy the product from a reliable manufacturer. Cheap Chinese electrical panels quickly turn yellow and are also famous for the fact that they simply break down.

Number of modules

Another equally important criterion for choosing an electrical panel is the number of modules. To correctly select the size of the shield, you need to start draw up a wiring diagram, in which indicate the exact number of machines, RCDs, difavtomatov, as well as determine whether the counter will be inside the switchboard. With the scheme drawn up, choosing the number of modules is not difficult. Note that the width of one module is 18 mm (the width of a single-pole switch). To correctly perform the calculation, be guided by the following values ​​(the number of modules that one device occupies):

  1. Electric meter - from 6 to 8.
  2. Three-phase RCD - 5.
  3. Single-phase RCD - 3.
  4. Three-phase circuit breaker - 3-4.
  5. Bipolar machine - 2.
  6. Single pole machine - 1.

Usually for an apartment, if the meter is installed on the landing, it is enough to choose an electrical panel for 12-16 modules (it is better to take with a margin, you never know, suddenly you want in the future connect voltage relay to protect household appliances).If the apartment is three-room and the meter is in your corridor, it is better to choose a building with at least 16 seats.

In a private house, in fact, like in a summer house, there are more electricity consumers, therefore it is recommended to put an electric panel on a larger number of modules - at least 24. Although, again, everything will depend on the wiring diagram you have chosen. Perhaps you’ll put only one machine on the lighting, or maybe it’s such that each room will serve its own circuit breaker. In addition, you must take into account the input voltage - 220 or 380 volts. For a three-phase electric meter, RCD and automatic machines, more space will be needed.

If you are at a loss with the method of choosing an electrical panel for your home, we recommend that you go to the store with the drawn up scheme and there, after consulting with a specialist, choose the appropriate panel size! You can see an example of the electrical panel diagram in an apartment and a private house by clicking on the link:


Well, the last selection criterion is the manufacturer of the product. If you do not know which company to choose an electrical panel, we recommend giving preference to the following manufacturers:

  • ABB;
  • IEK;
  • Makel.

These three shield companies are most often used in electrical work. The ABB switchboards are of the highest quality, IEK and Makel are slightly inferior to the competitor, but they will also be cheaper in price.

I would also like to talk about SlimBox switchboards from EKF. At their optimal price (from 350 to 1000), the electrical panels are equipped quite well: there is a separate zero bus and ground bus, an integrated bubble level for easy installation, as well as special marking for the cable duct. SlimBox switchboards are available in 6-24 modules, which allows them to be used both in small offices and in private homes. By the way, the case can be installed so that the door opens to the right or left, which positively affects the usability of the shield.

If you want to choose a beautiful and at the same time reliable electrical panel for your home or apartment, give preference to the Greek manufacturer FOTKA. You can see the range of products on a photo example:

Manufacturer FOTKA

We recommend watching a video that clearly shows a comparison of electrical panels of different companies:

Compare manufacturers

What else is important to know

For the office, in which only 2-3 circuit breakers will be installed, we recommend choosing not a switchboard, but a compact plastic box, which will be smaller in size and, of course, price.

Boxing for vending machines in the office

Another important point is the door of the electrical panel. It’s better to be transparent, because in this case, you will not need to open the electric panel for a visual inspection of the machines, if the light goes out.

Video product review:

What are the guards?

That's all I wanted to tell you about how to choose an electrical panel and which is better for an apartment, house, cottage. We hope you enjoyed the article and now the issue of purchase is not difficult, because we as much as possible described the types and purposes of the products provided!

Also read:

What are the guards?

Compare manufacturers

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One comment

  • Alexei

    Recently I was tormented with the choice of a dashboard for an apartment, recently they started repairing it and I wanted to find a dashboard that will fit into the new interior, where there is a lot of wood trim. As it turned out, there were almost no offers on the market, long long searches, and now good luck, Fotka shields, a manufacturer from Europe and inexpensive! Poyuzat Internet, not a lot of information, but enough to make a decision. It turned out this company in Russia has just appeared and is unknown to our customers. It fits perfectly, the question is closed.It looks perfect, the quality is on top and the price does not bite. There would be more such goods in our country. I recommend to everyone.

    To answer

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