The main malfunctions of dishwashers

So, one fine day, you find that the dishwasher does not turn on, does not drain water or leaks. Do not rush to immediately call the master, because sometimes the cause of the breakdown can easily be eliminated with your own hands without special skills and tools. Next, we consider the possible malfunctions of dishwashers and instructions for their independent repair at home.

What could cause a failure?

If the equipment has served you for more than 5 years, and its warranty period has long expired, it means that the banal wear of spare parts may be a possible cause of the malfunction.Filter change

In the event that you have recently made a purchase and the dishwasher is already out of order, then the causes of failure can be as follows:

  • Poor assembly and spare parts themselves. It is found in cheap Chinese models from poorly known manufacturers.
  • Before loading the dishes into the chamber, you do not wash away the remnants of food that clog the filter. Very dirty dishes most of the dishwashers do not completely rinse, as a result of which you have to rinse additionally manually.
  • Outlet malfunction. A banal situation but still sometimes arises.
  • Wrong dishwasher connection (for example, the drain hose is longer than the permissible value, or the cold water hose is loose).
  • A poor detergent that does not wash dishes well or does not wash dishes at all.
  • Perhaps you just tightly closed the door (the mechanism is designed so that the equipment does not turn on until the latches work). It should be noted right away that on some models the door does not lock in the lower position. If the door does not hold it is not a dishwasher breakdown, but a manufacturer’s defect.
  • Another fairly popular cause of the malfunction is improper loading of dishes, as a result of which the appliance does not wash the lower section or the upper shelf badly. Even in the instructions, the correct load is discussed - the top needs to be filled with plates and mugs, the bottom - with overall kitchen utensils (for example, pots). Another important requirement - glasses and cups should be stacked upside down.

If not one of these reasons is the culprit of the failure, then the matter is in the spare parts, which we will talk about later.


Troubleshooting common types of problems

The dishwashing process does not start

Such a situation: you turned on a certain mode, all indicators light up, the sound of filling the water is heard from the camera, it has warmed up, but the washing process itself does not occur.In this case, the likely causes of damage to the dishwasher may be:

  1. Clogged filter at the bottom of the immersion chamber. You need to get it, how to rinse and install it back.
  2. Clogged nozzles, as a result of which the dishwasher does not spray water or it simply does not spray well. In this case, take a toothpick and punch holes. Also, clogged nozzles can cause low pressure during the washing process, as a result of which the pots are not washed. Looking ahead, I would like to immediately say that if the beam does not spin, the first thing to do is to check the circulation pump, which often fails.Nozzles
  3. Failure of the circulation pump, the purpose of which is to supply water to the nozzles. The most difficult failure of all three, as a result of which the dishwasher does not collect water. All you need is to replace the pump with a new one. To do this, open access to it (located at the bottom of the camera), unscrew all the tubes and attachments to the equipment body, and then install a working pump.Circulation pump

The failure of the circulation pump can be determined by the characteristic sound of its operation. If there is no noise after filling the water, most likely the cause of the malfunction is in it! As you can see, replacing is not a big deal.

Dishwasher pump repair workshop

It should also be noted that a possible malfunction of the dishwasher may be damage to the electric motor, or rather its winding. To make sure that the engine is working, check it with a multimeter for an interturn circuit and an open circuit.

Water overflows

Most likely, the water level sensor has broken. It is located at the very bottom of the equipment, so for access it will be necessary to turn the dishwasher, and then replace the sensor with a new one.Water level sensor

We draw your attention to the fact that if the power is turned off and water is being poured into the chamber, then this is not a sensor, but an electromagnetic valve, which should shut off the fluid supply. Replacing the valve is straightforward.

Overheating / underheating of water

It also happens that the dishwasher overheats or vice versa does not heat the water. In the first case, the temperature sensor breaks, which entails overheating of the water, the formation of a large volume of steam and the shutdown of the equipment.Temperature sensor

As for underheating, there can be several reasons for the malfunction:

There is no discharge

If, after washing, the water does not drain into the sewer, then the pump may be broken or the drainage system clogged, as a result of which the dishwasher does not drain the water.Wiring diagram for electricity, water and drain

As for the first case, here you need to check the drain pump for debris and winding resistance. Most likely, the water is in the dishwasher because the pump just clogged, although sometimes the start-up may not occur even due to pressure. If the pump is in order, check the entire drainage system, including the siphon. Most likely, the hose just needs to be cleaned, or the filter inside the camera is clogged.

There is another frequent case when the dishwasher does not completely drain the water. Here, most likely you pulled up the drain hose too much and after draining (when the pump shuts off), part of the water returns back to the chamber.

Video filter cleaning instructions

The case is beating current

If the dishwasher is shocking, then with a probability of 99% it can be argued that the heating element is broken - TEN. All you need to do is to open access to the heater and visually inspect it for cracks and other types of defects. If the heating element is really damaged, replace it with a new one.Checking the heater with a multimeter

The reason why the heater fails is the poor quality of the water (too hard). Also, one more malfunction may be the failure of the heater relay. The instructions for replacing the parts were clearly demonstrated in the video:

Change the relay on the control module

Does not pick up detergent

If you notice that the dishwasher does not pick up powder or a tablet, the cause of the breakdown is most likely due to contamination of nozzles or a weak pressure of water, as a result of which it does not enter the dispenser. A possible cause may be a breakdown of the valve opening mechanism, from which the detergent is washed. If the valve does not open the water intake (or closes poorly), the tablet may not completely dissolve, as a result of which the appliance does not wash the dishes well.

Lack of power

If you notice that the time indicator does not even light up or the appliance does not respond to the press of a button, then the causes of the malfunction of the dishwasher may be as follows:

  • broken outlet;
  • the door latch did not work, or the lock device burned out;
  • the network button does not work;
  • surge protector does not work.

In all cases, you need to use a multimeter to check all the elements of the electrical circuit and find out why the dishwasher does not turn on using the exception method. If, in your case, the dishwasher does not end the cycle or you cannot switch the program, check the programmer and the control unit, most likely the modes do not work due to its malfunction.

Extraneous noise

Extraneous noise indicates that the bearings of the pump or electric motor (supercharger) have been damaged. The bearings break due to the ingress of water, which in turn seeps through the damaged seal. Bottom line - the dishwasher is buzzing at work. In this case, you will need not only to replace the bearing, but also the gland itself, otherwise the same problem will arise again after a while. By the way, another reason for extraneous noise may be associated with the pump - garbage has fallen into the area of ​​the sprayer or impeller. Everything is simple here, remove the trash and check the impeller for defects (the blades may have already been damaged, which causes noise).

Dishes do not dry

Some modern models feature a function for drying washed dishes. This process occurs when the fan is installed inside the camera. If you find that the dishwasher does not dry the dishes (or does not dry out), but otherwise functions normally, the fan is most likely broken. All you need is to check its winding, as well as the supply contacts with a multimeter, and if there is a need, replace the spare part with a new one. About, how to use a multimeter, we told in the corresponding article.

Water leaks on the floor

Well, the last, one of the most popular breakdowns of the dishwasher is the leakage of water to the floor under the body.

There are four main causes of leaks:

  • Door seals in unsatisfactory condition, as a result of which the door is not tightly closed. They must either be changed, or if possible, cleaned from plaque.
  • The pump seal that pumps water is damaged. Best replaced with a new one.
  • The clamps on the drain and water supply hose are loosely tightened, resulting in leakage. Seals may also not be installed at the junction points.
  • Damaged water tank located on the side of the equipment. Most often, the tank cannot be repaired, so it is replaced by a whole one.

To correctly determine the place of water seepage, it is recommended to remove the casing of the equipment and put sheets of newspaper on the floor. Where the newspaper gets wet and there will be a breakdown.

Video leak repair tutorial

That is all the main malfunctions of dishwashers.We hope that now you can repair the equipment yourself if it stops working, starts to make noise or does not drain the water after washing the dishes.

Related Material:

Video filter cleaning instructions

Change the relay on the control module

Dishwasher pump repair workshop

Video leak repair tutorial

(45 votes)


  • Pavel

    Good day!
    The Bosch built-in dishwasher began to make extraneous sounds (something like a hum) when taking water. The rest of the time it works as before. Tell me what could be the reason. Thank!

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Have you tried to repair, as recommended in the article? First of all, you need to check the integrity of the pump bearings, as well as the presence of debris in the area of ​​the blades, perhaps this is the reason!

      To answer
      • Valery

        Some kind of noise, as if some kind of electro magnet is not working and intermittently, but it bursts, what could it be?

        To answer
    • Nelya

      Hello! Tell me please, machine Bosch. After a small flood), the faucet indicator on the machine lights up, it is dried and now washing and drying flashes at the same time. The machine does not turn on

      To answer
    • Lyudmila

      Dishwasher Miele, 5 years old. First, the wash cycle did not end completely. The dishes were washed, dried, but they didn’t turn off, they wrote on the display: draining. I cleaned the filters, the drain pump. Launched it, she began to issue an error F51. Will you be able to fix it yourself or do you need to contact the service?

      To answer
  • Oleg

    Good day!
    The dishwasher, having switched to the drying mode, began to somehow buzz weirdly (which had not happened before). In the washing mode, this hum was not.
    What could it be?

    To answer
    • Admin

      The turbo dryer fan may be malfunctioning. It is necessary to do an autopsy and check it first, if of course in your dishwasher this technology is used to dry the dishes.

      To answer
  • Irina

    Good afternoon!
    I would be grateful if someone would tell me.
    I have a dishwasher that no one else has ever seen, TECHNO 3003. Also combined with a gas panel.
    For some reason, when working, there is a leak somewhere on the left of the floor. I dab it with a rag, I get 2-3 liters. Water starts to flow out from under the machine after washing starts. I opened the left wall (there’s just a plastic tank full height ... I found out that it flows from a thin transparent tube, somewhere it comes out of this same plastic tank, but for some reason it turned out to be connected to nothing. Well, I still didn’t find where it should be connected, I just shut it up and that's it. I experienced this variant, everything is in order, washes .... there seems to be no water ... but the soul hurts. Suddenly will fail because of this. I would like to understand what kind of tube it is and what its purpose is. And in general, why water suddenly started to flow from it.
    And on the bottom below the motor, there’s such a thing with a foam liner inside. A plastic tube comes up to it and the same leaves. I understand that if the water is in the pan, then the foam float probably pops up and something overlaps. And I’m constantly dripping water from this float (I now just have this knot hanging on the wire in a free state, float down). Underneath is a cup, it is drawn from a half liter in a long cycle. How could I fix it ... or can connect the pipes between yourself and exclude him at all? PFA with connector and wires.
    I say thanks in advance!

    To answer
  • Konstantin

    Good afternoon. I have a Neff dishwasher. The pump runs in drain mode and does not turn off. The machine does not go into another mode. If you turn off the machine from the outlet, then the same thing happens when you turn it back on. Can I remove a task or breakdown of electronics?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! I strongly recommend that you take the dishwasher to a service center. Disconnecting from the outlet does not exactly solve the problem. Most likely the electronics failed!

      To answer
    • Alexander

      You have a leak in the pan, in which the float sensor is installed, it worked and activated emergency water drain, you need to remove the side panels and carefully remove the water from the pan with a rag, very carefully remove the water from under the foam float.

      To answer
    • Fanis

      the drain is not connected correctly. there is a limit to which the drain hose must be raised

      To answer
  • Irina

    And I did not wait for an answer.
    Apparently my TECHNO 3003 (TS) is not familiar to anyone here either.
    But it’s not alone that it is equipped with this float switch when water leaks into the sump.
    Is water passing through it? (Though two pipes are connected to it for some reason)?
    Why is she dripping from it? I understood that it turns off the power when it pops up when there is a leak, and there should not be water in it itself.

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! It is difficult to say without a clear picture what kind of tubes they are and where they go. Most likely you see transparent tubes that are connected either to the pressure chamber or to the pressure switch. Check these parts for tubes. Usually, only wires are connected to the float switch, with the help of which the power is turned on / off.

      To answer
    • Fanis

      Most likely, the valve does not work correctly along the line of adjusting the water hardness. The decision to close both of these hoses or reconnect the hoses to each other

      To answer
  • Chris

    Hello! The Neff dishwasher works for about 20 minutes, then the hum starts and it turns off, while the water in the machine remains and more than one light is on. What could it be?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Good afternoon! Most likely, your dishwasher spontaneously shuts off due to a failure or a clogged working pump. I also recommend checking the fuse and the heater by ringing them with a multimeter.

      To answer
      • Chris

        I want to note that the water heats up at the same time. And how to check the pump?

        To answer
        • Admin

          Visual inspection can be done according to the following instructions - As for checking the circuit with a multimeter, connect the probes to the contacts of the drain pump and measure the resistance. Usually it is 160-300 ohms. If, after checking the drain pump of the dishwasher, no violations are detected, most likely a problem in the electronics. In this case, we recommend that you take the equipment to a service center.

          To answer
  • Marina

    Hello. I also have grief: The water supply indicator is constantly on and the machine even tries to do something with the door open. the filters are washed. Question: is it still possible to do something for her ourselves?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Try again to check the exhaust valve and water level sensor (pressure switch). Also check if the PMM is connected correctly, the drain hose should extend from the floor at a height of at least 60 cm. If you do not find any malfunctions, you can take it for repair, as only the control module remains.

      To answer
  • Sergei

    Greetings to all. Such a problem. Blown surge protector F3CF75005L dishwasher ignis ADL335NB 854585801731
    Filter Data 250V ~ 50 / 60Hz 16A / 40 °
    0.15µF (X1) + 1MOhm + 2 × 0.027µF (Y2) 25/100/21
    I just can’t find one. There are similar ones. Can I replace this question with another and what should I pay attention to?
    Thanks in advance.

    To answer
  • Sergei

    I have the same burned out on the refrigerator! I did not find an analogue! Have you found

    To answer
  • Vyacheslav

    Tell me a thought. The upper atomizer blades do not rotate (Bosch SPV63M50RU). Water flows through them. The lower atomizer rotates. He took off the top - to clean ... Actually they were not clogged. All holes are free, there is nothing inside ... I checked the entire design of the top spray in the bathroom with a shower hose ... At full pressure, one barely barely tries to move.If you twist them by hand - they spin like greased ... there are no stoppers ...

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Well, you did everything right, what could you advise. If the pressure of the water goes to the nozzles, then the reason is only in them. It’s so hard to say what’s wrong. It is necessary to disassemble and carefully review the entire structure. Somewhere there is still a blockage that prevents water from passing through the blades.

      To answer
      • Vyacheslav

        Sorry to bother you again, but I correctly understand from this video that directly the pump motors are okay? In the middle I covered the central (lower) pinwheel, which normally spins.

        To answer
        • Admin

          Yes, there is pressure, so everything is fine with the pump!

          To answer
          • Michael

            Good afternoon! Please tell me: the Bosch dishwasher (sce53m25ru) does not rotate the lower blade, I checked everything and it’s not clogged up anywhere, water comes from the top and not from the bottom. The rest of the washing cycle takes place without any errors and malfunctions.

  • Vitaliy

    Good afternoon! The Indesit machine IDL 50. It began to draw up a little water - but continues to carry out the cycle - it warms up with a dry heating element! (does not produce errors). Inlet valve - normal, level sensor (lower level, as I understand it) - normal, the turbine spins when water enters! What could be? Where to look?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! It is possible that the problem is in the control unit. If you checked everything and found nothing, then it’s the matter in electronics.

      To answer
  • Natalya

    Hello. I'm trying to start the dishwasher, when the door is closed, a signal is emitted and EVERYTHING ... Help please.

    To answer
    • Admin

      Good afternoon! Typically, dishwashers squeak after closing the door if the water tap is turned off. Check it out for a start!

      To answer
  • Kirill

    Tell me, the machine pours water during washing in front of the pan, under the lid.

    To answer
  • Olga

    Good afternoon! Dishwasher Bosch, the button is constantly flashing, the tap is drawn, the dishes do not wash and buzz

    To answer
    • Admin

      Can you send a photo of the error by mail? Maybe your water stopped flowing or, for example, the pressure is very bad?

      To answer
      • Svetlana

        I have the same problem. Machine Bosch. We turn on, the water rustles, the faucet burns and the machine beeps.
        And it began with the same thing, but she squeaked at the end of the cycle, on drying, did not dry, squeaked and the crane burned. I washed anyway, but when I squeaked, I stopped and pulled out wet, but clean dishes. Then she stopped warming. They called the master, gave 700 D for diagnosis, said the ten burned out (along with the motor), yesterday they put in a new one.
        Now it beeps at the beginning of washing and the faucet is on.
        The master threw us ((He refused to reach and find the reason. What to see, tell me, please?

        To answer
  • Veronica

    Good afternoon! Recently, I noticed that the pots on the lower level, turned upside down, began to wash poorly! My filter regularly, nozzles on the beam checked! program as usual, auto washing finish. What else could happen? Dishwasher Bosch SPV43M10.

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Sometimes the dishwasher does not heat up due to the fact that the heater does not heat water well or does not heat it at all. Did you miss this moment while checking? Make sure that hot water is supplied to the nozzles.

      To answer
  • Veronica

    Thank you for the answer) You know, having thought over your advice, I came to the conclusion that when you select the “auto” program, the machine flushes and chooses the temperature regime itself. Perhaps this is the reason, because pots do not always remain dirty at the lower level. Usually I load the car in the evening, turn it on, and go to sleep. Therefore, I do not know at what temperature it washes. Yesterday I loaded it in the afternoon, turned on the “auto”, after it washed, opened the door, the dishes are all clean and very hot)

    To answer
  • Eugene

    Perhaps a typical case.
    Bosch SMS 53N12, Quite a powerful low-frequency rumble when the motor (inverter) rotates the pump at low speeds.The low-frequency sound is very punchy: you can hear it through the entire apartment - in general it is unpleasant. It does not vibrate the body or lid; somewhere inside. Do not tell me - is this a typical problem of this model? The first car. Warranty (2-3 months to her). Should I call repairmen or put up with it, because everyone has it? Slightly different from SilencePlus 🙂

    To answer
    • Admin

      Good day! No, the problem is not typical, especially for the Bosch technique. Of course, give the dishwasher for repair to a service center!

      To answer
      • Elena

        Hello, we have a Candy dishwasher, it is picking up water and all no action, what could it be?

        To answer
  • Elizabeth

    Hello, the dishwasher does not wash the lower section, the filters are clean, the water is hot, the dishes are placed correctly, the nozzles are clean, the arms are spinning, no errors are generated, the salt and rinse aid are normal, the dishes in the upper basket are washed wonderfully ....... crown bde 4207 eu. thank

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Well, in terms of tips for inexperienced home masters, there is nothing more to recommend. It is better to call a specialist to make an accurate diagnosis and find the cause of the breakdown. The only thing that comes to mind - can you put too dirty dishes in the lower section?

      To answer
      • Alexei

        You know almost the same situation with me. Dishwasher Ardo.
        Only now the lower beam does not spin exactly. He put it in one position and checked during the washing process, it was in place. The upper one is spinning and thanks to it the dishes are washed.
        What advise, in this case?

        To answer
        • Admin

          Goodnight! If the rocker does not rotate, check all the holes due to which the rotation occurs (water under pressure creates reactive thrust). 90% sure that one of the holes is clogged, which stops rotation. You need to check carefully, sometimes the holes are very small and are right below. The remaining 10% probability - a pump that delivers water to the sprinklers is out of order. Rarely, it happens that the impeller of the pump grinds down. You can also check the valve filter, which supplies water, maybe it is clogged.

          To answer
          • Alexei

            Hello! Thanks for the recommendation.
            But I already checked the cleanliness of the holes, everything is fine ..
            As for the pump, judging by the design, the water is supplied to the upper rocker by diverting from the lower rocker. But the top one works.
            I’ll check, still serve, and there I will unsubscribe to you.
            Maybe you still have thoughts. Thank.

  • Yuri

    Hello! Tell me what the problem is, the BOSCH dishwasher. When connected to the network, all indicators light up as usual before starting the program, and after a few seconds the indicator for the end of the washing process switches and there is no reaction anymore.

    To answer
  • Tatyana

    I have a problem picking up a pill. A hotpot Ariston machine, the lever (hook) that closes or opens the compartment, "bastards," pops out of the hole. Maybe something else should be there, but a spring has flown out, or an elastic band, a clamp. Tell me what you can come up with.

    To answer
    • Admin

      You can think of a way out of the situation, but you need to see what kind of lever, how everything works.

      To answer
  • Natalia Fedorova

    Hello! For less than a year, they bought a compact Bosch SKS 40E22 dishwasher. Recently, cracks appeared on the outer panel of the door from the bottom on the sides, and the panel itself swelled from the bottom and eventually moved away from the door body. Start to drip. The question is - could this be the result of frequent washing at a temperature of 70? Like, did the cracks go from overheating? Washed dishes no more than twice a day. Do not tell me where else can I buy a separate panel or the door itself for this machine? Thank you in advance for your answers.

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello Natalia! A temperature of 70 degrees is the normal operating value for a dishwasher. Inflating a panel at this temperature is unlikely if the assembly is original, not fake.Most likely, there was really overheating, but not at 70 degrees but higher. Sometimes, when the temperature sensor fails, the dishwasher overheats the water, as a result of which the case is destroyed. First of all, you need to check the temperature sensor, and then proceed to search for other probable problems. As for spare parts, try looking for them on Avito or other similar sites. You can also leave a message on the various forums for repairing dishwashers. Also do not be lazy and go to the service centers that are in your city. Just rewrite the brand and model of the dishwasher and ask the masters if they have such details.

      To answer
    • Matvey

      I have the same problem, an autopsy showed that the lower sealing gum had lost in the door, put it in place, but after several openings of the door, it got lost again. I don’t know how to fix it yet.

      To answer
  • Natalya

    Hello. Please advise what to do. PMM Bosch, tabletop. Fills with water and the tap icon immediately lights up. It doesn’t work further, and it stands with water. We checked everything: water pressure, filters - everything, just in case, cleaned, the valve also works fine. Thank you in advance.

    To answer
    • Admin

      Another option is that the washing pump is faulty, try to check it too!

      To answer
      • Natalya

        Hello. You advised to check the washing pump, but it is probably correctly called somehow differently, nowhere on the sites of this name did my husband and I find. Sincerely.

        To answer
        • Admin

          I'm sorry, I didn’t notice that you wrote about the pressure test. The washing pump is also circulating. Well, in this case, the problem is not in it. If the filters are clean and the pressure is there, but the tap indicator does not disappear, you need to take the dishwasher for repair for a more accurate diagnosis of the control unit. I think it's in electronics.

          To answer
          • Natalya

            Thank. Most likely, really electronics, i.e. it’s easier to throw away the car, because repairs will cost almost the cost of a new one. At least in Tver. Thanks again for the friendly reply. Sincerely.

  • Lyudmila

    Good evening! Please tell me the PMM Ariston LSF 7237, she is 5.5 years old, is collecting water, and the washing process does not start, immediately the water is drained and the indicators start washing and the end of washing start to light up?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Check the float sensor, if it is in order, then the electronics is defective. Here you will not do anything, it is better to take the dishwasher to the service!

      To answer
      • Denis

        Good day!
        PMM lsf 7237. When the washing starts, the machine draws water, starts to warm, but the washing does not start. Is the problem in the circulation pump?

        To answer
  • Jana

    Hello! Please tell me, during operation, the machine stopped supplying water. I turned it on, it started, got some water and started to buzz, I realized that the water was not being supplied. Then I drained the water. I tried to restart the car, but the water was no longer supplied at all. Please tell me how to be ((((

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! It is necessary to look at why the water supply does not occur. Maybe the pump is out of order, or maybe the nozzles are clogged.

      To answer
  • Lydia

    I have a Hansa dishwasher, when I turn on the dishwashing mode for very dirty dishes (I don’t remember what it’s called), water starts to accumulate and the dishes should be washed with water, but the motor will buzz and water will not be supplied to the sprayer. It used to help turn off and on several times. Water began to flow to the dishes. Not now! Tell me what to do !?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello Lydia, you need to check the nozzles for clogging. If the nozzle openings are clean, the problem is in the pump, you need to look at its master, who will determine whether it is working or if replacement is needed!

      To answer
  • Alexander

    Happy New Year!
    Beko machine. Drainage into the drain is clogged, as a result of which water from the machine fell under it.When turned on, an RCD was knocked out. After draining almost all of the water and drying with the removal of the tray, the RCD stopped working, all programs are turned on, but water is not being collected. The noise of a short-running pump and the clicking of a relay with a period of 3-4 seconds is heard. Sad

    To answer
  • Igor

    Good afternoon! I began to notice that grease spots remain on the dishes after washing, they remind graphite grease in consistency. Dishwasher Tell me please, what could be the reason?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Maybe it's scum. Try cleaning the inside of the dishwasher with a special cleaner. To do this, turn on the washing cycle without dishes and at maximum temperature.

      To answer
  • Igor

    Dishwasher Bosch sms53n12ru

    To answer
  • Elena

    Good day. Bosch dishwasher has been working without problems for 9 years. BUT. The icon with the crane began to burn. We cleaned the filter that goes at the hose to the pipe. The machine began to work, but comes to the last minute and lights up 1, i.e. there is a minute left before the end of the cycle, and the tap icon is on again, and the cycle does not close. The dishes are washed. Turning on and off does not work. Checked the blades. They were washed. Checked the drain hose. Clean and up to standard. The filter is washed. What else could be the problem? Thank.

    To answer
    • Admin

      Goodnight! If the dishwasher does not finish the cycle and there is 1 minute left to complete, then only the control module or the drain pump remain. If the drain hose is clean and the water is draining normally, most likely there is something with the control unit. Unfortunately, such a failure is determined only on the spot. You can of course still check for water leaks, maybe the aqua-stop is triggered.

      To answer
  • Violet

    Hello. Please tell me when you turn on any program, the beko machine only runs the drain pump until you turn off the machine. And the wash time does not decrease on the sensor. What could be the reason for the breakdown. Thank.

    To answer
  • Victor

    Good afternoon! I have a Bosch smv 40 eooeu / 17 dishwasher. When I start the program, there is no water intake at once. She makes a drain then a break and then again drains an audible signal and the faucet and end light comes on. But if you open the door between the first and second wait a couple of seconds with the drain then close, it starts to work normally. The water supply and the drain are cleaned and the filter too. Can you tell me how to read the errors and remove them. Thank you!

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Check for leakage protection. Maybe water got into the dishwasher tray, resulting in an aquastop. There may also be a reason in the door lock or intake valve. Maybe it is faulty and works every other time. The error can be considered by the master!

      To answer
      • Konstantin

        Most likely, the current consumption of the motor of the recirculation pump is overestimated, due to wear and rotation, it needs to be replaced, usually they are assembled with a heating element, but they are often used in the service because the heating element often fails.

        To answer
  • Hope

    Hello! The BEKO dishwasher draws and after a few seconds drains the water, what could be the reason?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Check the water level sensor, the pump itself and, more preferably, the heating element. Most likely the reason is in the sensor, look, maybe the water in the pan has collected, and the drain works.

      To answer
  • Vyacheslav

    Dishwasher Ariston CIS LST 328, after starting the program, water is drawn to the desired level, and after 1 minute the pump turns on and sucks out all the water. The number 11 starts flashing on the display. Tell me, please, what’s the matter.

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! It's about the pump itself, maybe it clogged with fat. Try pouring boiling water into the dishwasher and turning it on so that it drains. And so several times, three will be enough.

      To answer
    • Ivan Ivanovich

      Somewhere a water leak. Aqua-stop is triggered and as a result, the water drain is turned on.

      To answer
  • Andrew

    Hello! dishwasher ariston lsf 7237 x. roofing felts when washing, roofing felts when draining, a sharp, non-continuous sound (rattle, 5-10 seconds), if I pause the sound will also disappear, after pressing the start does not resume. this happens once per wash cycle, before this did not happen at every wash, now at each. what do you advise?!

    To answer
    • Admin

      I advise you to check the pump, it may clog or the impeller just got damaged.

      To answer
      • Andrew

        Hello, I suspected that the pump, can you give any link, how to get to it ?! And one more thing, at half load, one sound, but at full it bursts for a long time! And which pump is recirculating or drain ?!

        To answer
        • Admin

          If you cannot determine at what point the noise starts, you will have to check both pumps. To get to them is not difficult, go to YouTube, there are a lot of videos that show the complete disassembly / assembly of dishwashers, maybe you will find your model.

          To answer
  • Philip

    Hello. Dishwasher HP - Ariston LST 5337, smoke went up during the evening washing, I thought that the wiring was on, and the wiring was whole. I turned off the power, the next day I plugged it into a power outlet, I start any of the programs, clicks something, but it does not start the set of water and does not give out any errors. As a result, I completely disassembled it, obviously melted and smoked the drain pump Copreci 160023601, 20KEBS 105 / 011A. (Visually viewed, as he removed the side covers, it was difficult to remove it, but managed). The question is, will it be enough to replace the machine to work? thank

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! So on the go it’s hard to say, especially without personally looking at the entire chain. Be sure to replace the pump, also ring the entire circuit with a multimeter. Visually check all items.

      To answer
  • Dida

    Hello! I have an Ardo dishwasher, 10 years old. When you turn on the program, it draws water, then it stops and makes a squeak, e1 appears on the scoreboard. Squeaking does not stop until the button is completely powered off. I tried to switch to other programs - the machine drains the collected water, then draws, stops and squeaks again. There are no more sounds. Please tell me the possible causes of the breakdown, is the breakdown of the control module excluded? Is it possible to repair damage of any complexity at home?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Error E1 indicates that there are problems with the water supply. Check the bay valve as well as the aqua-stop. In addition, I recommend that you check to see if the water supply system is dirty, a plaque may have formed resulting in low water pressure.

      To answer
  • Antonina

    Hello. I have had a Hotpoint ARISTON CIS LI 480 A dishwasher since 2010. Now, at the start, water is drained, then the bay is working but water does not flow, after silence I open and the Ecological Wash and Soaking buttons and the salt blink. I cleaned the filter and nozzles, there is rinse aid and salt, I use FINISH powder. What is the problem. Thank.

    To answer
    • Admin

      The reasons can be a lot: from a sensor malfunction to an electronics failure. You need to check everything in turn with the help of a tester.

      To answer
  • Eugene

    Good afternoon, PMM electrolux esf 63021, pours water and drains immediately, after which the start / stop indicator and 1 x multiple times begin to flash
    indicator flashing the end of the program, according to the instructions it turns out “There is no water entering the dishwasher”, but the water is running, I checked the pressure switches — when the reels are purged, they click, the tubes are clean, what can be?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Check the pump yet. There may also be a reason in the control module.

      To answer
      • Konstantin

        most likely the air chamber of the presostat has clogged, pick up the tube from the presostat, pour water into the pan and blow it with force 10 times, usually a jelly-like coating flies into the chamber a lot, it prevents the normal operation of the presostat.

        To answer
  • Sasha

    Hello.The Candy CDI 5015 E10 dishwasher fills with water, starts to wash for a couple of minutes, then the EC error pops up, drains the water and stands up. When the power is turned off and on again, the error is reset and the same thing happens. There are no such errors in the manual. Maybe you know? Thank.

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! No, unfortunately I also can not find what this error means. Try to check everything, starting with a water level sensor and a pump.

      To answer
      • Sasha

        I checked all the sensors. Everything is fine. Then I got to the sensor that is in the salt container, turned it off and the machine started working. I will now deal with it. The fact is that there is a separate indicator that there is no salt, but it did not light up. So the sensor went out out of order. To know the principle of its work.

        To answer
  • Yulia

    Good afternoon. I would be grateful for your help. Today, before launching the dishwasher, Samsung noticed that one of the numbers indicating the time is off, instead of 1:50 it shows 1: 5

    And the indicator of both baskets blinks as if it has shorted the wires. Can it be in the dishwasher? Installed by professionals, she is 3 years old
    Thanks in advance

    To answer
  • Andrew

    Hello. Dishwasher BOSH SCE52M55RU. Accidentally discovered a voltage on the door of the machine.
    Greatly plucked when at the same time I touched the door and the faucet at the sink. I measured it between the “ground” and
    door 100v. There is no voltage on the handle, when touching without “ground” the door does not bite. The machine is connected
    through RCD and it works fine. Please tell me what the problem is.

    To answer
  • Alexander

    Good evening, We bought a dishwasher today, as it should be connected, we filled everything that is written. They turned it on, after half an hour a very strong hum started, as they hammer inside the puncher, I paused everything went, I tried again, it’s all the same buzzing .... after a minute passed, went on to work, another 20 minutes passed again the same thing, 2 minutes ... What could be ...

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! If you really completed the installation according to the rules and the dishwasher buzzes during washing, we recommend that you take it to the service or even return it (within 2 weeks you have the right). Most likely the reason is either in the pump or in the engine.

      To answer
  • Oleg

    Good afternoon! we have PM IKEA, when the washing is completed, the drain pump does not turn off, we tried to turn off the button anyway, the pump works, the pump turns off if the machine is tilted onto itself. the filters are clean.

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! So the problem is that your dishwasher has flowed and the aquastop turns on. When you tilt the case, the water goes away and the sensor does not work.

      To answer
  • Vadim

    Hello, indesit idl 40 machine. At the start, a little water is gaining. Ten over the water. Then during the washing process everything seems to be normal, the water is hot. What do we have to do?

    To answer
  • Alexei

    Bosch dishwasher sks 60 e18 en
    problem: there is no pressure on the rocker arm, I cleaned everything and the rocker and pump, the machine performs all the functions but there is no pressure on the rocker arm, it feels like something is in the way, water appeared under the machine

    To answer
  • Natalya

    Hello, BOSCH dishwasher, after washing on the dishes, a yellow-brown coating appears, the machine was disassembled and cleaned, but this did not help. What could be the reason?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Try changing the pills, maybe they are the case. Also check that the salt compartment lid is screwed tightly!

      To answer
  • Valeri

    Beko-dfs-2520 dishwasher. Hello. There is no water supply. When you turn on the general power and the start / pause button, the mode selection indicator (light, green) lights up normally, just as after pressing the start button, the green start light also lights up operation mode, everything is fine. Next, silence. (on a cycle, there should be a set of water (it is not there). The bottom pan is dry, the terminal is normal. I checked the power (the lamp with the contacts of the inlet valve coil was paired), the power, the pulse to operate is not goes on, i.e. the lamp is off. Which, except for the brand's aquastop that machine may be blocking the start of water yet? Thanks.

    To answer
  • Valeri

    Yes, and I would like to know the generally probable causes of the malfunction in this case. All the filters are read, the car was examined up and down, the result is zero. If this is a control module, then what should I pay attention to at least during an external inspection? Thank.

    To answer
  • Roman

    Good afternoon, I have a PMM Bosch EPV40E00RU. At the next start of the machine, the water supply indicators and the rinse aid began to flash at the same time, while the machine did not respond to the shutdown and reset of the programs. When I examined the car in the salt compartment, I found water and with a vacuum cleaner pumped it out. Now the car does not turn on but there is a quiet noise, similar to the sound of a rattle. Tell me what is the cause of the malfunction.

    To answer
  • Andrew

    The Bosch dishwasher model SMV40D40EU / 25, manufactured in Poland in February 2014, was not used.
    Fault characteristic:
    - probably performs a preliminary rinse (approximately 10-15 minutes);
    - five short beeps (presumably about an error or completion of work);
    - the indicator “check water supply” is on;
    - open the door - water level 2-3 centimeters.
    The mains voltage is 175-180 volts.

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Not all dishwashers can work normally with this voltage. First, check the aquastop, maybe the cause of the malfunction is that there is a water leak and the sensor is triggered. If the reason is not in it, you need to find a way to check the dishwasher at normal voltage. For the future, it is absolutely necessary to connect a voltage stabilizer!

      To answer
  • Inessa

    Good afternoon!
    I have a Bosch PMM with mechanical control. Worked for 5 years without complaints. And now, when choosing a program, it starts to work, but has stopped switching to the next mode. To finish the wash, I had to manually flip the program knob. Tell me, is such a repair possible and is it advisable to repair?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Most likely, the control unit is faulty, it can be repaired and it is most often advisable, however, you still have to call the wizard, and there after the diagnosis and voicing of the cost, decide for yourself.

      To answer
  • Irina

    Good evening! I have VMP Veko (it is 2014 onwards), two buttons are sunk (start and delayed start). Tell me how you can repair them yourself.

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Disassemble and see why they sunk, maybe just popped out of the groove. Most often you just need to fix the button in place.

      To answer
  • Dmitry

    Good afternoon, dear admin. We have a dishwasher Samsung DMM59AHC. We live in Ryazan. The dishwasher stopped heating the water, the craftsmen from the service center were called, he found that the heater burned out. The new heater in their company costs 5300 rubles + work. Can I buy a heater from you with a shipment to Ryazan? Do you have its price or equivalent? Where to watch a video about replacing a heating element. Thank.

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Unfortunately we are not engaged in the sale of spare parts for household appliances. There are many online stores that can send parts by mail to any region. As for the video, you can see the replacement instructions on YouTube. So write: “replacing the heating element of the dishwasher”!

      To answer
  • Alexander

    Good afternoon! Bosch machine sms40LO2ru. Purchased a month ago, all the chemistry from the starter kit, i.e. high quality. A week ago, the lack of salt indicator lit up, looked - salt to the eyeballs. Neither resetting the program nor disconnecting from the network led to anything. The water hardness is set medium - 04. What could be the reason? Thank!

    To answer
    • Admin

      Try cleaning the salt container by pumping water out of it along with the same salt. Then re-fill the salt, this should solve the problem. You can also experiment a little with the hardness of the water. If not, take it to the service while the dishwasher is under warranty, as most likely she does not see salt due to the clogging of the sensor, which will have to be cleaned.

      To answer
  • Natalie

    Hello, we have Bosch, the machine worked like a clock for 10 years, but the other day I noticed that after the end of the cycle, when the door opened, the steam did not come out and the dishes were cold (I usually used the auto mode)!
    I cleaned the filter, started it in a different mode, the machine worked and worked until I turned it off myself, 1min burned on the timer!
    I pressed and held down 2 buttons and tried to reset, in general, after resetting in auto mode, the same picture again, it works, but it does not finish the job and it seems to me that it does not heat the water!
    What do you think? Are there several breakdowns? Or can one thing give such a result and is it generally expedient in the material sense to try to repair it?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Good day! Unfortunately, in this case, the breakdown can only be determined on the spot. There may be a reason in the control unit, the repair of which is not always appropriate. Still, calling the wizard for diagnosis will not hurt.

      To answer
    • Vladimir

      I have the same problem, share how you solved it? Thank you

      To answer
  • Victor

    Good evening! In my dishwasher, the capacitor f3cf75005l shot backless, maybe you know what there is an analog to replace it because I can not find one anywhere. Thanks in advance

    To answer
  • Alexander

    Thank you very much for the answer. I’ll try, it’s interesting to know where this sensor is located, and what it is. Thank!

    To answer
  • Peter

    Elektrolux car is quite old (6 years)
    Recently, it began to fail:
    it turns on normally, it works for about 2 minutes (apparently preliminary rinsing), then, judging by the sound, it drains and everything stops. Moreover, the timer at this stage always shows 10. That's how it stands and beeps. It is possible to start by opening the door by turning the power off and on again. Sometimes 5-6 times it is necessary to do so.

    To answer
  • Gennady

    Bosch dishwasher. constantly pre-launches. without draining and heating, drains only after pressing reset, there is a version that there is some kind of click after 10-15 minutes of washing. and everything repeats.

    To answer
  • Igor

    I repeat a similar question. Good afternoon, I have a PMM Bosch EPV40E00RU. At the next start of the machine, the water supply indicators and the rinse aid began to flash at the same time, while the machine did not respond to the shutdown and reset of the programs. When I examined the car in the salt compartment, I found water and with a vacuum cleaner pumped it out. Now the car does not turn on but there is a quiet noise, similar to the sound of a rattle. Tell me what is the cause of the malfunction.

    To answer
    • Admin

      I apologize, apparently a lot of messages came that day and missed yours. Apparently pumped out correctly. What pops is so hard to say. What kind of crack, mechanical or electric? from which place about?

      To answer
      • Gennady

        I apologize, but on my question can you help?

        To answer
        • Admin

          Sorry, I do not have time to immediately answer everyone. Need more information, where about a click. Maybe with a pomp what is wrong, most likely from her sound. Disassemble, visually see everything. Water level sensor ring.

          To answer
          • Gennady

            so everything seems to work, you put the rinse mode everything works, it collects drains, to the end, and the washing modes are constantly pre-washed, without draining the water and heating, and wash until you turn it off

  • Alexei

    Good afternoon.

    I have a TEKA dw1 605 fi. After half a year of operation, the Glass sensor began to light up when turned on. The instructions say that this means that some of the elements of the dishwasher is leaking. But at the same time, the leak itself could not be found during an external inspection (the floors under the car were dry and inside the car it was also dry, there was water only in the salt tank, but as I understand it, it should be there). Tell me, please, what could be the reason?

    To answer
    • Admin

      The reason may simply be in electronics. The leakage protection sensor is out of order, for example. You need to ring the circuit with a multimeter, then it will be clear what the malfunction is, if smudges and corrosion are not detected.

      To answer
  • Ivan

    Salt doesn’t go away ... it used to go fine ... and probably as a result the dishes are washing poorly ... plus smudges or foam I don’t understand ... THANKS !!!

    To answer
  • Sergei

    Hello! I have a BOSCH dishwasher, when I press the power button with the door open, it starts to buzz, as I understand it, it delivers water and immediately drains it! with proper operation, pressing the power button only led to “turning on the machine”, but it started washing after closing the door! please tell me what broke in it!

    To answer
  • Dmitry

    Good afternoon. Dishwasher AEG. In the off mode, it draws water from the sewer, then it starts to leak. What is it?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! This is most likely the wrong connection. Either the drain hose is too low, or the drain has exceeded the requirements. Read the manufacturer's recommendations and check with yours.

      To answer
  • Love

    PMM Hotpoint ARISTON 1g and 3m operation after several minutes of operation, the wash indicators, end of program and start / pause indicator flash

    To answer
  • Sergei

    Good afternoon. Dishwasher Bosch. The pump is constantly working (spinning). What to do?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Most likely leaking in the dishwasher. Disassemble and see if there is water inside the pan.

      To answer
  • Yura

    Good afternoon! Dishwasher Bosh SMV40D70. It doesn’t heat dishes, during operation a light with a “tap” starts flashing, before starting the light does not light up and does not blink.

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Perhaps the cause of the malfunction is that the heater does not heat the water well, or there are problems with the water supply. You need to check everything in turn: the pressure from the pipeline, filters, pump and heating elements.

      To answer
  • Arkady

    Hello, I have such a question.
    the dishwasher draws water but doesn’t wash, that is, you can hear the water picking up then some noise for 20 seconds (hum) and everything says that (the water is not suitable turn on the tap) and writes next (F 5)
    help me please. I took the car a year and a month ago, the seller said that upon delivery of the machine it will be necessary to pay extra, 1500 and the warranty will increase for an additional 2 years, they categorically refused to do this and he does not want to do anything with it.
    thank you in advance for your reply

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! I can not find error codes for your dishwasher. Most often, if the dishwasher draws water but does not wash the dishes, then the recirculation pump is out of order. In addition to it, check the serviceability of the water level sensor, and also whether the filter is clogged (located under the dishware chamber). If everything is working, the control unit may have broken.

      To answer
  • Arkady

    forgot to mention a machine called Normande ND T60X


    To answer
  • Sergei

    Dishwasher BOSH Water does not come in. Opening the door continues to work.

    To answer
  • Dmitiry

    Good afternoon!
    Tell me. dishwasher Vestel FDL 4585W
    When turned on, it starts to draw water (approximately 5 seconds. 200-300g.)
    then it also buzzes quietly for 5-7 seconds. and silence…..
    I turn it off with the button, turn it on again - the same thing ....
    Several times, "Spoiled" it seems began to pour a little more water ....
    Question to experts what could be?
    Should the machine drain the water from the sump before starting the cycle?
    This is not happening now

    To answer
    • Admin

      check for leaks.

      To answer
      • Dmitiry

        no. everything is dry. and worked the cycle normally. drained the water, dried it .... and next time this is it ....

        To answer
  • Irina

    Good afternoon!
    1. Dishwasher Indesit, before the first launch, it poured salt to the eyeballs, it worked properly, but when opening the salt container there was always thick water, to the brim, probably saturated brine. It should be?
    2. After 2 years (little use), the salt-free indicator began to light, and dirt began to remain on the dishes. I look into the salt-water tank, as before, to the brim, but, it seems, not thick, slightly salty.Should I pour salt into a container directly in this water? How much to pour - will water pour over the edge? Or do you need to pump out the water in some way and pour it back into an empty container? If pumped out, then with what device?
    Thanks in advance for your answers.

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! It should not be this way; it is best to pump out the water with a washing vacuum cleaner.

      To answer
  • Gennady

    I am sorry, the Bosch dishwasher constantly does preliminary washing. Without draining and heating, it drains only after pressing reset, you put the rinse mode on, everything works, it dials drains, until the end, and the washing modes it does constantly preliminary washing, without draining the water and heating, and washes until you turn it off

    To answer
    • Admin

      There may be problems with the control unit. It is necessary to do diagnostics on the spot, it is so hard to say what is the reason.

      To answer
  • Hope

    Hello! PMM Bosch. There was a blockage in the sewage system and water from the sink began to flow into the PMM when it was turned off. After switching on, it drained all the water, but the water supply sensor flashes, and the drain works continuously, the machine does not respond to anything. Help me please!

    To answer
    • Admin

      Most likely there was a leak, you need to check if there is water in the pan.

      To answer
  • Dmitry

    Hello. Such a problem: when turned on, before a set of water, the dishwasher (Ariston) starts to make a sound similar to a loud rumbling of a cat. This phenomenon lasts 1-2 minutes. After washing begins, it washes normally, there are no extraneous sounds. Sometimes “cat rumbling” also appears at the end of the program after draining the water. The car is two years old. Sounds appeared a couple of months ago. What could it be? Where to look? Thank.

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Most likely the matter is in the pump, you need to disassemble it and see if the impeller is clogged or the mechanism has completely collapsed. Also see the filter.

      To answer
  • Maxim

    PMM Bosch SMS63N02RU, in operation 5 years.
    First I stopped in the middle of the program with an error E21 (no water supply), after restarting it showed E24 (no water drain). Checked the drain pump, the impeller is spinning. I washed and cleaned the filters at the tap water supply. Yesterday I partially disassembled the car. He took off the control panel (with the disconnection of all wires), the side walls. He turned off the solenoid valve on the water supply from the tap, rang it with a tester - 4.5 kOhm. He blew into the water supply pipe - no clogging. The drain hose is also without blockages.
    I collected the car back, launched the program. The machine scooped up water and began to wash. After some time, apparently at the first discharge, it issued an error E24. After restarting the program, it issued E21.
    I would be grateful for help with advice on where to dig. 🙂

    To answer


    To answer
  • Vita

    Hello! I have Bosch, 2.5 years old. She began to rinse the dishes poorly, on the walls of the machine - stains and small crumbs of food. It feels like rinsing with dirty water. The filter is very clogged, it used to be washed once a month, and then it was not dirty, but now after each washing it is greasy and in some kind of coating. And the washing time has also been reduced. Help me please!

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Try changing the detergent. Also, the reason may be in the scale on the heating element, as a result of which the water is not heated enough.

      To answer
  • Sergei

    Good afternoon. Dishwasher Whirlpool Gold Series. After starting the washing operation for 1 hour, in 80% of cases, the machine stops after filling and heating the water (about 5 minutes after starting), just 2 indicators blink. After a repeated restart (up to 2-3 times) it ends the cycle to the end. When started in standard washing mode, this happens in 30-40% of cases. All other modes work correctly.
    I would be very grateful if you advise where to look for the problem. thank

    To answer
    • Admin

      Good afternoon! Check which indicators are on!

      To answer
      • Sergei

        Good afternoon.
        Model WDF750SAYM.
        After starting the cycle, there is a set of water (a couple of minutes, not sure if heating starts), then everything stops; the indicator of the selected cycle lights up (for example 1hour) and the START and WASHING indicators blink.
        If everything is restarted (Cancel-Cancel-Start), then the washing cycle reaches the end (sometimes from the 3rd time).
        I repeat, basically the problem is with 1hour mode and sometimes with NORMAL.

        To answer
  • Edward

    Hello. During operation, they turned off the electricity, and now I can not turn it on. He opened it, opened the pan, cleaned it, cleaned everything. Anyway, pressing On. does not react. Almost new, but far from service.

    To answer
    • Admin

      It is necessary to ring all, so it’s not realistic to say what is the reason.

      To answer
  • Alexander

    Good afternoon, tell me um Bosch is not built-in when working, it somehow buzzes strongly on any cycle, it works for 5-10 minutes and the error e21 lights up. And how does error reset occur on a non-embedded machine with a torsion control knob

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Error e21 indicates a drain problem. Most likely the pump is clogged, although there may be a clog in the nozzles. Check everything, if you find the cause and eliminate it, the error should disappear.

      To answer
  • Konstantin

    Bosch's dishwasher suddenly began to make noise. Noise is not loud, it looks like some kind of pump. It will make a noise for 30 seconds and then shut up for 30 seconds and so on without end. Does not respond to button presses. Filter checked. I tried to disconnect from the network and turn it back on. Does not help. In the morning I worked normally, I began to make noise in the evening in a calm state.

    To answer
  • Jurchen

    My dishwasher HANSA HDW-9241 has stopped turning on.
    It happens like this: after pressing the button, all the light indicators light up for one second, an audible signal sounds once and immediately turns off.
    The voltage in our network recently has been 195V to 200V.
    The problem arose for the first time only today.
    What could be the cause of the problem and how to solve it?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Perhaps the reason is undervoltage. In this case, the installation of the stabilizer will help.

      To answer
  • Jurchen

    Continued from Jürchen:
    Today the voltage in the network is 220 ... 235V.
    Of the twenty test inclusions, it was possible to switch on normally once and complete the entire cycle of washing dishes …….

    To answer
    • Admin

      In this case, you only need to inspect and test the entire electrical circuit.

      To answer
      • Jurchen

        I’m taking off the topic, because I found and eliminated the reason for not turning on the PMM.
        The handle of the plastic bracket for attaching the push button switch has burst.
        The switch (it’s the switch), as it were, “did not press” to the end and therefore immediately turned off the power to the device.
        Thanks to admin for a useful site!

        To answer
  • Alyona

    Hello, master.
    Desktop machine Electrolux. Mom inadvertently I turned it on without putting the program with the door open, and “as it was” It worked, but then all the indicators went out, the pump was working. Water was not gaining.
    What to do?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Try to temporarily remove the plug from the outlet and then turn it on again. Maybe the dishwasher just hung up!

      To answer
      • Alyona

        Thank you, we tried .. It does not help .. Now we are waiting for the master

        To answer
  • Gennady

    Hello, the BOSCH SPS40E42 machine, when turned on, the “dishwashing” and “rinse aid” indicators light up, the washing does not start. Possible reason? thanks in advance

    To answer
  • Elena

    Good afternoon!
    Although, he is not at all kind, but rather the opposite.
    Yesterday I put a frying pan with hot oil in the dishwasher. Well, that’s so ... foolishness, of course, as a result, the dishwasher broke down.
    She does not turn off. He doesn’t get water. All the while "drains the water."
    I bought a car at IKEA. Help repair yourself. There is no money at all)))

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! The point is the recirculation pump. Disassemble, see what's wrong with him.

      To answer
      • Elena

        and I thought, in a pressostat ... they write that there is some kind of tube clogging with fat and it needs to be purged ...

        To answer
        • Admin

          Yes, of course there may be a pressure switch, look at it too. Here is one of two things, if it was really oil.

          To answer
  • Sergei

    Good evening, such a problem. PMM electrolux aeg works once it drains the water and then writes an error 20 what to do the master said that the repair will be 15 thousand

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Error i20 indicates that there are problems with the drain. The reason may be a failure of the drain pump, a blockage in the drainage system or a malfunction of the water level sensor. All of these elements need to be checked.

      To answer
  • rose flower

    Hello. I have a Bosch SPS40E22RU dishwasher. When turned on, the water supply indicators and the rinse aid flashes rapidly at the same time, and then does not respond to any buttons. What is the problem? thank

    To answer
    • Admin

      You need to check the circulation pump and the entire water supply system. Maybe somewhere a blockage or some element is out of order.

      To answer
  • Alexander

    Good evening! Bauknecht machine, I can’t say the number, because I’m in another place. The operating mode does not start, the start button just blinks, all buttons are on. Thanks for the advice.

    To answer
  • Igor

    Good afternoon. Bosch dishwasher, built-in. When turned on and the door is open, the pump starts and does not turn off. The washing process does not go any further. Please tell me what to do. Thank.

    To answer
  • Eugene

    Hello . PMM hotpoint ariston lst 5337 x after selecting a program draws water starts washing even heats the water but then drains the water and the number “5” flashes on the display tell me what is the reason?

    To answer
  • Alexander

    Hello! Please help with advice. Dishwasher Electrolux. When you turn on the machine, instead of collecting water, it constantly tries to drain it. What could it be?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! This may trigger leakage protection. Check for water in the sump, and also call the sensor.

      To answer
  • Gennady

    Hello! PMM corting; in the third week of use, rust appeared around the salt hole. I used the machine after loading salt almost daily. I use specialized salt. What may cause the appearance of rust?

    To answer
  • Yuri

    Hello! PMM Siemens. During operation of the machine, 14 minutes before the end of the program, the water supply to the machine was turned off. After the resumption of water supply, the machine began to underdevelop in time for all the programs that we turn on again (the under-operation time is different for different temperature conditions). How to reset and return to factory settings?

    To answer
  • Alexei

    the eyelid machine is constantly on 1/2 of the load does not switch disassembled cleaned pulled it did not help maybe mikrushka

    To answer
  • Katerina

    Hello. The ARISTON LI 42. machine didn’t let me choose the mode, the first one was turned on. Earned and began to dial, but every five seconds squeaked, apparently reported a malfunction somehow. Then water poured from all the cracks. Tell me, please, what can this be connected with and is it fashionable to repair it yourself? The machine was used by my guests and what they did with blue and is unknown (((thanks

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Well, you need to disassemble and inspect everything, it's so hard to say. It may be clogged, maybe the seal is damaged.

      To answer
  • Ildar

    Good afternoon. Dishwasher flavia bi 45 kaskata light s. After switching on, a couple of minutes after the start, it generates an error E1 “Problem with water filling in the PMM”. Opening the door shows that there is water in the pan. After the door is closed, the pump is turned on and the water drains, after the water is drained, the beam on the floor goes out and the PMM goes into standby mode with an active error on the E1 display.As a result, after restarting the same situation, the water is poured into the pan, it gives an error, if nothing is done, it will merge the water and start to wait. Please tell me what to do. Thank.

    To answer
  • Valentine

    Good afternoon. I have an Electrolux Machine. I'm trying to turn it on, it doesn’t work. The principle is this: turn on the power, select the program, close the door and the process starts. So, it seems that my program selection button does not work, the car froze in the previous wash mode and that’s all, but the process does not start in this mode either.

    To answer
  • Alexander

    Hello! Salt began to be washed in large quantities - the washing cycle - minus half a bottle of salt. It seems that this salt settles on the dishes, as the dishes are very muddy white. Is the matter in the ion exchanger ,, salt tank valve or something else? I did not find cracks in the tank, water does not flow ... VEKO machine. Thank!

    To answer
  • Admin

    Please describe the malfunctions of your dishwashers in the appropriate section of our forum Registration is quite simple, in addition to the forum, we can respond to your messages faster.

    To answer
    • Alexei

      Hello! PPM Bosch start of washing is switched on 30 seconds washes then the circular pump stops buzzes very hot. Pump motor with rewind.

      To answer
  • Alexandra

    Hello. Recently bought a dishwasher beko
    Used for a week and now it does not turn on. The program is selected, it does not turn on when the start button is pressed .. The start button indicator blinks.

    To answer
  • Vlad

    In the Ariston LST 41677 dishwasher, the power button and the LED of the first program continuously flash, and only turns off by unplugging the plug from the outlet.

    To answer
  • Philip

    Good afternoon. After selecting a program, PMM Bosch emits a signal when the door is closed and nothing happens in the future. Hose, tap OK. Salt indicators, etc. do not light. What to watch?

    To answer
  • Andrew

    Good afternoon, Elenberg DW-9325 the water softener indicator is on and the delay time is 30 minutes and that’s all, it doesn’t start the wash mode, what do you tell me?

    To answer
  • Konstantin

    Good afternoon, Dishwasher Electrolux XXL.
    When starting the wash, the drain pump tries to pump out non-existent water and does not give a command to start the program (the drain pump is working and working, the hose is also working), what could be the problem?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! The reason may be a leak in the dishwasher, or a malfunction in the water level sensor.

      To answer
      • Konstantin

        Good day, thanks for the prompt reply! Leaks are not observed - the pallet is absolutely dry! If there is a way to check the water level sensor and if there is a problem with the solenoid valve (sticking) if the malfunction described above (the dishwasher is installed in the country and was not used in the off-season!)

        To answer
        • Admin

          Of course, you can check the sensor. Hammer in Yandex "how to check the water level sensor of a dishwasher", you will find a lot of information about this, as well as video tutorials.

          To answer
        • Admin

          The valve can also be checked, the mass information on YouTube.

          To answer
  • Yulia

    Hello. The Bosch machine on the dial shows 10h and not one program does not start, what can it be?

    To answer
  • Bassel

    good time of day, I have a Bosch dishwasher, and not long ago, the light was turned off more than once, after which it stopped working and does not turn on at all, I read that it has a fuse, but I can’t find its location, not a magician, machine Bosch built-in model smv51e10eu / 55 you could not tell where it can be located, for the early thanks

    To answer
  • Anton

    Hello. I have a PMM BOSS SKS40E22. The problem is the following: When starting the program, only preliminary rinsing takes place, then the water is drained, the machine is typed again, it turns off and the tap lights.Rarely, the machine washes for 2 hours, then again drains the water and the faucet lights up. The filter was cleaned, the water supply hose was checked.

    To answer
  • Peter

    Good evening! In P / m Candy CDCF6, after switching on, a preliminary rinse begins for 15 minutes, then the 3.15 A fuse blows. The heater resistance is 44 Ohms. Where to dig more?

    To answer
  • Andrew

    Good afternoon! Problem “ARDO” DW45AE dishwasher shuts down without completing a water cycle dials drains dials dials and shuts down. Thank you.

    To answer
  • Eugene

    Help! PMM electrolux luxury reallife xxl aquasave. Gives an error code of 40. I looked at the sites - all codes are from 10 to 100, but 40 are not !!! The machine generally stopped doing anything! Tell me please!

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Describe the situation in more detail. Is the machine new or old? Because of what a malfunction arose, exactly how the dishwasher behaves. Is this a mistake, is it written “i40” or just 40? maybe this time until the end of work stopped and does not disappear?

      To answer
      • Eugene

        Thank you for responding! The typewriter is 3 years old. Six months ago I gave it for repair, they said the water level sensor broke. After the repair, there were frequent vagaries - sometimes it stopped during washing and turned on and blinked on the 00 display. The express turned off and on for 30 minutes. And literally today I turned on any program, the time on the screen goes and the machine does not work. And after that it was highlighted, 40 and all !!!

        To answer
  • Eugene

    Still sometimes a little audible silks. As if the relay is switching. All that is usually recommended checked. OK. And turn it on, let's rinse on the timer for 14 minutes. And time begins to go for 2-3 minutes, and then again, 40.

    To answer
    • Admin

      If you really checked everything that is recommended, and everything is working properly (pump, water level sensor, filter), then I suspect that the problem is in the control unit. To accurately diagnose, unfortunately, you only need the departure of the master.

      To answer
  • Minigul

    Hello, Siemens machine ,,, after the program malfunction E09 appears, that it could be. We checked both the supply and drain, the filters, everything is normal

    To answer
  • Igor


    PMM Siemens SF54T553EU.

    Once water flowed from below, FROM THE DOOR. Not from the junction with the pallet, namely from the door.

    Except through the block with dispensers, how could she get there?

    Around the perimeter of the dispenser unit there is an elastic band. Is it really the case?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Yes, it is quite possible that the gum has dried up or damaged, as a result of which water flows.

      To answer
  • Sergei

    Hello, the Coopersberg GLA-689 machine draws water but the pump does not turn on, set the program for 30 minutes, it works. The master came and looked, began to work, left again there was a problem

    To answer
  • Sergei

    He said that the typewriter had a glitch, then called back said that hot water should be poured with citric acid at night, such as a sensor clogged with grease

    To answer
    • Admin

      In this case, I recommend disassembling the dishwasher and visually inspect the state of the sensor and pump yourself.

      To answer
  • boris

    lm Neff I turn on the program everything works a couple of wrinkles. then everything turns off and until you turn it off, nothing works, there is no power again, when you put it in, the program goes on for one minute and turns off.
    It doesn’t show any error. I will leave the rest of the program for 1 minute, the water is pumped out.
    what could be the reason

    To answer
  • Irina

    Good day to all!
    Already turned to your site for help.
    I have a Techno 3003 TS. I stood idle for half a year, now I'm trying to run.
    I plug it into the outlet, it starts to buzz right away, although I still did not press the power key, but I can’t disconnect it with the key.
    I press the start, the indicator of the installed program lights up, but it does not gain water. It just buzzes.
    I took off the side wall, the plastic tank is empty, there is not even a drop of water, although everything is connected.
    What do you advise?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Good afternoon! They will advise you to start by checking the intake valve filter. Maybe because of hard water, it became clogged, as a result of which the dishwasher does not collect water. If everything is in order with the filter, you need to check the door lock device, the inlet valve (may burn out) and the water level sensor. But here some experience is already needed, it is unlikely that you will do it yourself.

      To answer
  • Stanislav

    Good afternoon. The dishwasher Electrolux ESF 2440 has broken
    The syndrome is this:
    The on button is in the off position, the lid is open, but at the same time, if you plug the plug into a power outlet, the drain starts to work.
    If you press on to turn on, then nothing happens, the display in all positions does not light, and the drain continues to work.
    Here is such a misfortune.

    To answer
  • Marina

    Good afternoon! Tell me, please, the reason: the Bosch dishwasher, when choosing washing programs, a completely different washing time is displayed (where it was 35 became 19, it was 140 became 25), after the end of time “1” is constantly on and the machine does not shut off.

    To answer
  • Sergei

    Good afternoon. Dishwasher Hotpoint Ariston. When the power is turned on, a buzzer beeps (a few seconds), while the indicator for the first program (leftmost) is on. Further, everything goes out and it is not possible to select any program. What could be?

    To answer
  • Vlad

    good afternoon
    I turn on the car starts to work 2-3 minutes, it buzzes, and then all the silence

    To answer
  • Marina

    Tell me, the beko 1500 machine, when you press the start button, the water is drained, then water starts to be typed (heard), for about 1 minute, and then everything calms down, only a rumble is heard. Inside the machine is dry, i.e. water does not get into the blades and the washing process does not go. I cleaned all the filters, there is no water in the pan. I don’t want to think that this is a circular pump, it’s a little expensive to buy a new one. What do you advise to do? Thanks in advance.

    To answer
    • Admin

      Check the circulation pump and leakage protection sensor.

      To answer
      • Marina

        And how to check the circular pump? Can I do this on my own or do I need to invite a specialist?
        Where is the leakage protection sensor located?
        Sorry for the possibly stupid questions.

        To answer
        • Admin

          In YouTube, you can enter the information you are interested in, there are a lot of videos. But you are unlikely to do anything yourself; you need a master and special devices.

          To answer
  • Vitaliy

    Hello, my zigmund & shtain dishwasher began to turn itself on and off, what could it be?

    To answer
    • Larisa

      Hello Vitaly, the same thing happens with my machine without finishing the program; it turns off then turns on; did you find the reason?

      To answer
  • Zalina

    Good day. I use the Smeg dishwasher, I use it for the fifth year. About 8 months ago I began to notice a coating on the dishes, I use Somat powder, salt from the same company. I called the master from an authorized SC. On the recommendation of it, I had to switch to a tablet medicine. The coating on the dishes was connected with salt that was supposedly of poor quality (4 years of soap and everything was fine), and the rinse aid indicator (when I was still using the powder) was constantly on. I wanted it to be taken to the stand but the master refused, took pity on my money, thanks to him))). But for my "happiness" the door hinge "flew", called the same master. They took the car away. After 10 days of waiting, I called the SC, found out that it was necessary to change the washing unit , bottom body, spring. Now I’m thinking, what about the rinse aid indicator, and indeed, will my wonderful machine still work? Sorry for such a lengthy story.

    To answer
  • angela

    the indesit machine draws little water and ten remains open and begins to hiss. Can he sunbathe? And what to do to get the right amount of water?

    To answer
  • Yulia

    On the Candy CDCF 6-07 dishwasher, the program switch button has stopped functioning normally. The machine itself is working fine, but it is very difficult to switch programs.The button works only after repeated clicks or does not work at all. The default is not the most convenient program.
    Please tell me how it can be repaired

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! You need to disassemble and watch this button, maybe the contact is bad.

      To answer
  • Tatyana

    Hello! Built-in bosh dishwasher, lasts about 7 years. Water poured heavily from under the door, but it seems that it was not from inside the car, but from under the bolted door. I put my hand under the door and found that a piece of material (probably insulation) was sticking out all wet. Can you tell me how to solve this problem?

    To answer
  • Anastasia

    Hello, the dishwasher Indesit DSG 5737, in use 4 years. When rinsing the rinse aid, the index indicator constantly lights up showing its absence. Please tell me what the problem is.

    To answer
  • Natalya

    Hello! Please tell me what kind of malfunctions may be if the dishwasher has not completed its program and turned off. There is water left inside. And it doesn’t turn on again?

    To answer
  • Alexei

    Dishwasher Siemens.
    I noticed that the salt practically ceased to leave the tank special for it. Previously, I fell asleep 1 kg once a month, but now as I poured it, it remains.
    What could be the reason?

    To answer
    • Alexei

      Apparently admins do not like it here!
      Well, that means repairmen are also so-so ...
      If there are no resources to answer, then there is no need to make such an opportunity for people !!

      To answer
      • Admin

        In many articles related to the repair of household appliances, the site has 100+ comments and new ones come every day. Really, we do not always have time to check everything. To do this, we ourselves wrote that post your questions on the forum where there is an additional number of moderators! We hope for understanding, as in fact, the article itself reveals an overview of malfunctions of dishwashers, and is not a form of communication with specialists for each individual case!

        To answer
  • Novel

    Hello, PMM Ariston li 420, not picking up water. The far left button flashes. The pan is filled with water. After the water was removed, the machine worked, but not for long. The pan is filled again with water. Where can water get into the sump?

    To answer
    • Admin

      There can be many reasons, you need to disassemble and watch. As an option, the pipe bursting over the heating element burst. There may also be a failure of the water level sensor.

      To answer
  • Tanya

    I ask for advice!
    The rinse aid sensor is on, and is it neck-filled? What would that mean?

    To answer
  • Sergei

    Tell me, the dishwasher Ariston CIS LI 480A 4 and 6 indicators are on, it stops and does not heat the dishes.
    What is the reason?

    To answer
  • Elena

    Hello! Tell me please. Bosch dishwasher sps40e42 / 14 when turned on, the rinse and drying indicator lights up and that's it. Does not respond to a reset, to other buttons too. no processes are observed. dismantled the entire machine, cleaned, rang, everything is in order. what could be the problem? help me please!

    To answer
  • Larisa

    Hello! PMM Neutpont-Ariston has worked great for a year. Now, with any program, everything goes fine at first, after the first drain of water, all sensors are turned off, and the start / pause button often blinks; the pause machine starts to buzz and nothing happens. This is not described in the problem section. There is no service in our city (the closest for 100 km), can you tell me what it can be. The filter is clean. Also, the container with the tablet does not open. Only the pre-rinse cycle works normally. Thanks in advance.

    To answer
  • Nikolay

    Hello! Hansa beeps when turned off and does not always drain the water to the end, turn on the power (press the shutdown button) in the middle of the night, start to make turn-on sounds and then turn off, what should I do?

    To answer
  • Olga

    Good afternoon. I have PMM GINZZU DC506: error E4 (water overrun) blinked, but there was no water in the sump.At the same time, the lack of salt icon blinked. What is the connection and how to fix it? PMM is still under warranty. If I fall asleep the salt error will disappear?

    To answer
  • Natalya

    Hello, indesit idl 40 machine. You turn on the machine and the cycle starts, but it doesn’t switch to the rest, it washes constantly, which could be the reason.

    To answer
  • Igor

    Hello, Zanussi ZDS 679 machine. When you press the power button, error A7 immediately lights up, if you click on the program execution button, then the relay or electromagnet clicks and after about 5 seconds. A7 lights up again. The machine was not used for six months, before that everything was fine, the water tap was open. What could be?

    To answer
  • Alexandra

    Hello! Please tell me, what is the reason for the breakdown? The dishwasher has 3 indicator lights. At the moment, only the first lights up. Those she is included in the network, but the process does not start.

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Did they check if the door was completely closed? Did you use article tips?

      To answer
  • Ilona

    Good evening! The Bosch built-in dishwasher has been working properly for 12 years, now it has started to wash dishes poorly, the water does not heat up, the dishes do not dry, hangs on the washing program: the timer shows that 1 minute remains before the end of the cycle, and then it washes another 20 minutes, and everything is on the timer same 1 minute. The program "Rinse" works properly. 2 years ago, after 10 years of operation, the heater was in perfect condition. What could be the reason, tell me, please!

    To answer
  • Elena

    Hello, I have a hotpoint Ariston lsf 8357 dishwasher after turning off the water in the house began to give an A5 error ... After turning on, it starts to take water, and after a minute it gives an error. Earlier after turning off the water there was a similar situation, after 5 days it began to work. Now does not want. What could be the problem, because it was working until the water was turned off?

    To answer
  • Vladimir

    At PMM Electrolux (Mod ESF43005W), the start button (reset) began to turn on poorly. It is painfully long to press it, so that at some point the machine starts. With the Delay button, the same trouble.

    To answer
  • Sergei

    Good afternoon!
    What do you advise? PMM Bosch rumbles “rumbling” loudly during washing, and the entire washing cycle is not always without noise. But usually at the very end, about 1 hour before the end of the wash (as I understood the last rinse) this terrible sound appears - “rumbles”. The dishes are washed well, the car a little over a year. How to determine where this sound comes from?

    To answer
  • Adele

    Hello. Dishwasher Electrolux. When turned on, it works for a minute from the force after nothing happens, at this moment the indicator goes out. What is the problem?

    To answer
    • Nikolay

      Hello. Dishwasher Electrolux. When turned on, it works for a minute from power and then turns off. At the same time, the light blinks. After 15 seconds, it turns on again and everything repeats. I’ll rub it, sometimes it starts to work normally, then it starts to turn off again. I did not find any visible signs of a circuit.

      To answer
  • Novel

    Good evening! Bosch SPS50E08, every 3-4 washings, error E18 or E22 pops up. At E22, non-drained water remains. E18 pops up 5-7 minutes before the end of the cycle. It’s not at all clear why the machine checks the water supply already during drying? ... How to get rid of these errors?

    To answer
  • Olga B.

    Good afternoon. I would be grateful for your help. PM Bosh, operate the 5th year. Suddenly, the water stopped flowing into both rocker arms, and they do not spin, you can hear how the water is being poured and partially gets into the car. The rocker arms have already been cleaned and washed for prevention; the filter is also clean. What else can I check?

    To answer
  • Elena

    Good evening! Help me please! Typewriter Bosh Sportline. I start the program, nothing blinks on the display, shows normal operation, but everything stands still, the machine does not wash, no movement. until this time, three times showed error E27, which means a lack of electricity.and now it stands still. what could it be?

    To answer
  • Alexander

    Dishwasher BOSCH. When turned on, the pump is activated and it makes a noise (buzz) for half a minute. After that, the water supply opens and the program starts. During the program, when pumping water, the machine starts to buzz again. What could be the problem? Maybe in the pump?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Yes, most likely there is a pump problem in the dishwasher.

      To answer
  • Andrew

    Good afternoon.
    A cunning and harmful mouse bit the electric wire to the Aquastop PPM Bosch system.
    I connected the wires, but the machine shows a tap with water, and does not collect water.
    What to do?
    Rebooted, tilted.
    Can I turn off aquastop?

    To answer
  • Mete0

    Indesit dvls 5 switches itself on (even with the door open) the three indicator lights blink and blink (wash, end of program, start / pause button)

    To answer
  • Semen

    PMM Indesit DSG 2637 washes dishes with cold water, then the start / pause LED stops and blinks. After pressing “On / Off,
    starts again, washes for about 20 minutes and the drying and start / pause LEDs blink. Do I think that it is necessary to check the heater and circuits associated with it?
    Or is the problem something else?
    Thank you in advance for your help.

    To answer
  • Svetlana

    Hello! Dishwasher candy trio. After the gulf, the water begins to crack when the blades rotate. Oil got into the chamber with dishes. Filters are clean, the blade is clean. What could it be? Thank?

    To answer
  • Marina

    Hello PMM electrolux when plugged in (not including any program yet) the drain pump drains the water to the floor (at night I woke up a hum). That is, the pump constantly works when the outlet is plugged in without a program included. What could it be?

    To answer
  • Vladimir

    The machine HPA LSF 7237 10 sets freestanding, worked for 5 years without problems and complaints. the filter is regularly cleaned and washed. There is a problem with the circulation pump. The machine draws water, (on any program), heats it audibly as the ten works and it is audible how it turns off, the circulation pump does not turn on. I found the following, if you poke a start / stop several times, the pump is still turned on and water will be supplied to the sprayers under pressure. No errors are highlighted. Please tell me what could be the malfunction and is it possible to fix it yourself (without taking it to the SC).?

    To answer
  • Vladimir

    Hello. Bosch machine, when the plug is plugged into the outlet, the pump is working, the indication does not light, before that there was an error e 15, the wife turned off the outlet, came and turned on nothing but the pump. Inside it seems to be clean, there is no excess water, but there was a lot of foam detergent added, now there is no foam, maybe where it is closed. Thanks in advance.

    To answer
  • Anna

    Hello! Burning machine mgv6516 a few days ago. It worked well no problems until the program buttons and 1/2 boot were pressed. Now the entire panel blinks and no button is pressed. please advise what to do ???

    To answer
  • Vyacheslav

    PMM indesit d2510w
    Only mechanical control
    At any point, program execution may stop.
    If, for example, rinsing, it will rinse until you manually switch the programmer to one click. Then it will work 1-3 programs and will stop again and will perform any one action until you manually switch the programmer to one click.
    There was a malfunction immediately, during the next wash, without any preliminary symptoms.
    It collects water normally, heats, drains, the pressure is good - the arms are spinning.

    Is it definitely electronics or are there options?

    To answer
  • Anna

    Hello PMM Ariston picks up water then 2 buttons immediately wash and the end of the sink and the water drains. What could be the malfunction.

    To answer
  • Vadim

    Dishwasher Bosch SRV5603.Water flows, I don’t understand where, but the strange thing is that this happens every three months! The door seal seems to be alive, what could be the problem and where does it disappear, we use the machine regularly.

    To answer
  • Anastasia

    Hello! Please tell me the Bosch dishwasher, she’s only a year old, recently she stopped dissolving the tablets, and sometimes she doesn’t spit them out at all. I use quality tablets all the time, the tablet compartment itself opens well. What is the matter please tell me.

    To answer
  • Karina

    Hello! Dishwasher indesit disr 14b, wash the dishes for 2 hours, instead of the prescribed 3 (ECO program), is this permissible or is it a marriage?

    To answer
  • svetlana

    the hans dishwasher, after turning on the program, draws water, starts washing, then completely turns off, after a few seconds it turns on from the start program

    To answer
  • Anton

    Bosch dishwasher, half a year worked perfectly. On one day, the program change buttons and the snooze timer stopped working. Perhaps they work, but when you click on the screen, nothing changes. Power and start buttons work

    To answer
  • Vyacheslav

    Good afternoon, tell me please, the first time you bought a hans dishwasher, installed, turned it on, water constantly flows into the machine, it should be like that or not

    To answer
  • Irina

    We have the same problem, today we bought PM Hans, connected it, opened the water supply tap, and the water immediately began to flow into the machine, and everything leaked to the floor until it closed the supply tap. What to do?

    To answer
  • Galina

    Good afternoon. Please help, the "Dishwashing" indicator lights up. If I select a program, press the start and close the door, then after several. Minutes everything stops, everything goes out ((and the work does not go. What is this?

    To answer
  • Andrew

    Hello, the Ariston dishwasher has stopped working. It draws water, heats and drains, the cycle does not start. Number 5 indicator blinks. What could be?

    To answer
  • Hope

    Hello! PMM BOSH SPV40E100RU / 14. When the door is opened, the ECO indicator always flashes without pressing the power button. This was not the case before. Tell me, please, what could be the reason?

    To answer
  • Sergei

    Good afternoon, um Bosch skt 52 does not pick up water with a mechanical programmer. Dismantled checked the intake valve on the water works. When I pour water in pmm, everything is fine. I did not see the Aquastop in it, it is only with a foam plastic that the sensor is primitive from leaks. There is no water in the pan. The machine is rare in nete hard to find information. There is still a three-pin sensor in the tank next to the leakage sensor, water passes through it into the tank when filling is in progress, maybe this is the pressure switch? And also on the filler KEN 1/90 there is a brown box like a relay. Need to try to run without it?

    To answer
    • Max

      Hello, the machine skt 5002, does not finish the water, I thought the valve-connected directly works, the motors work, the starter works, maybe the control board or whatever, tell me please.

      To answer
  • Natalya

    I have a Siemens machine, the water supply indicator (faucet) began to flash. This was already six months ago, we cleaned the filter, checked the water supply system, it did not help. Called the master, he changed the electronics.
    Now the same thing, but - the machine itself stopped the cycle, washed up the dishes. Last time they waited 4 hours, until they turned off the outlet, she did not stop, and did not drain the water.
    Can we somehow fix it ourselves?

    To answer
  • Sergei

    He asked himself and answered himself)
    The water supply pipe system was clogged. About cleaning. Everything is fine only when washing the water a little gaining what is the reason ah?

    To answer
  • Andrew

    PM beko, akvastop worked, having disassembled it, found the water in the pan, dried it, turned it on to visualize the process, it turned out that the water is poured from the ventilation hole when it is fed into the side tank.

    To answer
  • Sergei

    Hello. PM Bosch draws water then the “tap” indicator lights up and that’s it.

    To answer

    Please help with the following problem. A program is launched on the Bosch SMV50e90, the machine is working, but it comes to the rinse and drying stage, after which the faucet lights up. The machine turns off / on and everything is fine again. The program starts, but stops at the rinse and drying stage.

    To answer
  • Alexander

    Hello! We have a Hotpoint Ariston LL40EU C \ HA dishwasher, when the network button is turned on, the indicator lights up, but then when choosing programs, more than one indicator does not light up and the machine does not fill up and does not start. It seems that there were no failures. What to do?

    To answer
  • Marina

    Good afternoon! Built-in dishwasher bosch, bought in December 2014. At first they used it without embedding, because there was no kitchen set, it worked perfectly. Recently built into the headset, connected the assemblers. 2-3 times included, there were no problems. Then it began to peep 3 minutes after turning on, they opened, the tap indicator lights up, they closed, the machine squeaked for 5 minutes, then it stopped, the indicator went out and washes without any problems. The last 3 washes squeaks every time. Tell me, please, what could be the reason and is it worth it to understand if it functions normally? Thank you very much in advance!

    To answer
  • Basil

    Good afternoon. Dishwasher Beko. In operation, years 7. During this time there was not a single breakdown. The filter is regularly cleaned and washed. When turned on, it usually removes residual water and then produces a set of new water for washing.
    Today there is a problem. The residual water is removed, but the new one is not recruited, and the pump continues to work to drain. It seems that the program does not switch. There are two power buttons on the typewriter - Network and Start. It does not respond to Startup at all. Another point. usually after turning on the pumping of the remaining water occurred with a slight delay of 2-3 seconds. Now it turns on instantly with the tap Network.
    What could be the problem? How to diagnose - a problem in hardware or electronics?
    Thanks in advance for your reply.

    To answer
  • Tatyana

    Good evening. Please tell me if you bought a new Bosch SMS40D12RU typewriter at the cottage. We connected it to the pumping station. Constantly gives an error E16 or E15. We checked all the connections and installed the main filter. The error does not go away. What to do?

    To answer
  • Ramis

    good afternoon.
    bosh silence comfort automatic machine. not picking up water. valve does not include. valve rang - good. set from the washing machine, the same trouble.
    I checked all the sensors - it seems like they work.

    I sin on the module.

    To answer
  • Andrew

    Good afternoon. Please tell me, my dishwasher has a strange crack in the lower part, it sounds like something is frying in a hot pan. What could be the reason. Thank you so much

    To answer
  • Sergei

    The new compact PM Candy - checked the connection for water, drain and electricity, started the first wash, after a while an intermittent signal sounded, the often flashing indication of the fourth program lighted up (it started to the second one), water appeared from under the machine, and did not respond to the control buttons. It leaked quite a lot and seems to be from under the pallet from the side of the door.

    To answer
  • Eugene

    Good afternoon.
    Tell me on this topic:
    BOSCH SPV40E30RU dishwasher, press the power button, select the program, press the START button, but the machine does not respond, does not start.
    what could be the problem?

    To answer
  • Yuri Kuznetsov

    Hello, when you turn on the Bosh dishwasher, it makes an extraneous noise with a hiss, the S (salt) indicator lights up. What is it and how can I fix it?
    Thank you in advance for your response

    To answer
  • Yuri Kuznetsov

    I will supplement it. After turning on the power button, the pump starts to work, despite the fact that the machine door is in the open position.When you select any washing and closing the door, the situation does not change, the pump continues to work, and the selected program does not start the washing process.

    To answer
    • Yuri Kuznetsov

      I figured out what the problem was, I repaired the machine.
      Thank you all

      To answer
  • Victoria

    Hello, tell me, the dishwasher has a malfunction. Maybe you can fix it on your own? The machine does not respond to button presses (the control panel does not work), and when connected to the network, it starts to buzz, as when draining water.

    To answer
  • Olga

    Good afternoon! Tell me please, what could be the reason? I have a hmm hotpoint ariston, at an intensive washing and eco stop cooking and drying dishes, then I noticed that when you open the door, it immediately starts draining and again draws water. As a result, the dishes were not washed or dried, they worked less than it should be in time.

    To answer
  • Dmitry

    Good evening, please tell me where to climb: PM electrolux ESL 4550 RO first generated an i40 error, disassembled, cleaned, connected. no water flows. On the hose itself, as I understand it, the solenoid valve is hanging from overflow, it is closed to the supply side. After the last turn on it shows an error
    iF0 and squeaks 15 times. Please tell me where else can I climb?

    To answer
  • Natalya

    Good evening. Tell me please, what could be the problem: PMM Bosch is a tabletop, the rocker seems to sag and the lid from the compartment with salt prevents it from spinning, if you remove the lid, it still interferes with the salt compartment. Water is collected, heated, the pump also works, the indicators all work properly. Which block to check?
    Thank you in advance for your response.

    To answer
  • Vladimir

    The Wellton WDW-M45 dishwasher with a command unit was not in operation. During the cycle, the rinse freezes, can work continuously. Clicking the dishwasher continues to work normally. TEN heats water, KD-201 temperature sensors work, checked with hot water, Perhaps wires are mixed up on temperature sensors, TEN. Do not tell me where to download the electronic circuit.

    To answer
  • Elena

    Good morning. PMM hotpoint ariston. It draws water, the blades spin for 2 minutes, then the noise starts and all the lights blink. Please tell me what is not working and how to fix it.

    To answer
  • Michael

    Dishwasher Zanussi built-in ZDV14001FA. The water drain pump is constantly working, even when the network button is off. when you press the network button and select a program, after closing the door, additional noises appear, but the pump works to drain and the washing process does not start.
    Tell me how to fix this problem.

    To answer
    • Admin

      Check for water leaks. If there is, water needs to be removed and what exactly causes leakage.

      To answer
  • Michael

    The floor around the machine is dry, there is no visible leakage

    To answer
  • Andrew

    SOS admin. Bosch 40 * 90 stupidly does not turn on. Indicators do not light, does not respond to buttons. When the plug is plugged in, a short beep is heard, and the noise inside is as if pumping water. PMM 1.5 years. Help advice.

    To answer
    • Admin

      It looks like a water leak. What to do in this case, I have already written many times in the comments.

      To answer
  • Yulia

    Good afternoon. Dishwasher Hotpoint Ariston. It turns on itself, the on / off indicator flashes. And the number 10. At the same time, it is noisy, the sound is like it is sucking water. What could it be ?

    To answer
  • Anastasia

    Good evening. When turned on, the Boch dishwasher flashes drying and washing alternately. Tell me what to do.

    To answer
  • Tatyana

    Good day! PMM gorenje GS52010W. During the IVF program (I mainly use this program) after the end of the pre-wash with cold water, it drains the water, draws it again for the main wash cycle, opens the detergent container (at this time it is audible that the rocker arms are spinning, the water is purring) and after a few minutes it emits a single sound signal (as when opening the door), the washing process icon flashes three times (not exactly sure of the quantity), and the PMM turns off completely, nothing lights up, as if the PMM was turned off from the power supply. In this case, the water remains in the PMM.If you immediately open the door and close, the program resumes, the water drains, is re-drawn, the container with the detergent opens and again, after a few minutes everything goes out. If the door is not immediately opened and closed, the program crashes, nothing is lit. Sometimes opening and closing the program crashes. A new cycle starts, but in the same place it may break off again. After a few attempts, he washes it all the same. Sometimes it malfunctions during the rinsing process, after the click of the opening of the rinse aid container is issued. Perhaps the problem is heating? Failure in 100% of cases occurs when the water needs to be heated. Heating goes if the PMM was able to start. After the first failures of the PMM, a few weeks of soap was normal. And now it turns off again. PMM 6 months. What can you check yourself? Thank you for your attention and help!

    To answer
  • Yulia

    Good afternoon, tell me on the Electrolux typewriter error I40 pops up, how to fix it?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Error i40 indicates that the water level sensor is faulty. First of all, try to check the tube through which air is supplied to the sensor, as well as the plastic container. They must have a tight connection. In addition, most likely garbage got into the tube, as a result of which an error is displayed. Clean the tube of dirt and check everything. If such a simple repair did not help, you need to check the water level sensor, it will not work without skills.

      To answer
  • Eugene

    Good evening, the machine Electrolux ESL94300LA, after washing and drying the dishes, the sound sounded three times as it should and the end indicator lights up .. After further loading the dishes and turning on the machine, the following occurs:
    1) some kind of extraneous noise.
    2) three beeps sound and the end indicator lights up
    washing does not occur (water does not flow ((((
    Tell me. What to do?

    To answer
  • Eugene

    I understand that no one reads? (

    To answer
  • Boris

    Good evening. Dishwasher Candy CDCF 6S when you press the start button, pause for a second, then click on the circuit board (inside the machine) and completely turn off. The inlet valve is blown when connected. He took off the board, did not find anything burned. Do not tell me where to dig further?

    To answer
  • Valery

    Hansa machine, when turned on (indicators are on, the program is selected) there is no water intake, it was always audible. Only drainage is turned on. Tell me, is it a pump?

    To answer
    • Alexei

      The same situation. Tell me, please, what could be the reason?

      To answer
  • Alexei

    Good day!

    PMM Bosch spv63m50ru
    The door with a “click” has ceased to close, i.e. does not slam. I push the tongue on the lock, the constipation pops up and then the door closes. After opening the door, the fault repeats. Pets are not recognized and I do not know the reason. Please advise a solution.

    To answer
  • Marina

    Hello! П / sink Electrolux. The machine worked for two years normally, then it began without finishing one minute, an error 20 drains. turning it off with a fresh start it starts to work, and also after a while, it will finalize, then no. Then, from the beginning of the washing, it starts draining, after a few minutes it gives an error of 20 drains. I called the master, I decided that I need to change the thermostat. The car stood for about a year, everything has already been cleaned, the sensor changed, the same thing. I disassembled it, looked at all the connections, wires, reconnected everything again. M
    was clueless.
    I began to work. Then again, also, then the cycle will end, then in a minute he again gets up on the drain error. Two months, it worked, and everything starts from the beginning with the drain, merges, merges and everything gives an error 20. I already went broke on the repair, and besides, I came.

    To answer
  • Vladimir

    good afternoon dishwasher bosch SMS 69M08 EU once every time it doesn’t draw water the indicator for lack of water turns on, there is water in the system, an akvastop on the pipe is buzzing

    To answer
  • Alexander

    Goodnight. Help me please.
    On the PMM Siemens SR24E202RU / 30, the water supply sensor began to flash. And it blinks quite quickly. This happens only after the wash. The dishes are clean but wet, the feeling that drying does not work. After turning off the machine, the sensor stops flashing. What could be the reason?

    To answer
  • Alisha

    Good evening. Dishwasher whirlpool ADG6556.
    Problem: when installing any program, the indicator jumps 70 degrees. When you press start - the machine does not start.

    To answer
  • Alexander

    I have a bosch dishwasher. She worked so normally and did not work .. While she was under warranty, everyone was repairing her, and assured her that she was working well. I tried and tried everything. She does not wash the dishes, but simply douses them with water and then dries them, after which it is difficult even to clean the dishes with a metal mesh. The machine does not create pressure. no blockages .. The motor was in good condition, but it was replaced anyway, there is no result. She also does not consume salt, and rinse aid. That is, the indicator never lights up that you need to add salt or rinse aid. Could there be a problem in electronics? Can this be checked and corrected?

    To answer
    • Alexander

      Already not relevant. I found the video, took it apart, and there is not one terminal connected. Just a bundle of wires with a plug hanging, not inserted into the socket. I inserted, assembled and the machine began to wash! But just why in the warranty workshop, where they drove her entire warranty period, they never even sorted it out?

      To answer
  • juliy

    Hello! Help me please! We bought a dishwasher built-in burning gv 51011, did not build it in, just put it under the countertop, connected it. We turn on, the rinse aid and salt indicators light up, nothing else happens, I can not select either the water hardness level, the program, or the delayed start, it does not respond to any button except on, off. What could it be?

    To answer
  • Alexander

    please tell me my Ardo dishwasher in the middle of the washing process starts to beep, the light flashes, and does not finish the washing process. A completely different wash program flashes. Switching or setting another program is not possible.

    To answer
  • Michael

    Good afternoon! I have Hansa zim 436 eh. After taking water from the network, a click of the aquastop valve is heard and then a loud sound is heard, similar to a buzz. Further, if you do not turn off the car, the buzz can continue. I tried to switch the water intake to hot, I thought the heater did not work, but the same thing! Either a circulation pump or a solenoid valve. Can you tell me what to do?

    To answer
  • Alexei

    Good evening!
    I have a Bosch SRV55T03 dishwasher, she's about 13 years old. Today, a feature was revealed: the machine washes normally, but after the program ends, there is water inside, about 0.5 cm, which was not the case before. If you turn on any program briefly further, then the first thing that happens is the water is immediately pumped out by the pump and the washing starts (the pump works fine), but in the end there is still water. Help advice, what can all this be?

    To answer
  • Dmitry

    Question. Pm crown. After washing, smudges of the rinse aid remain on the door. How to remove the problem?

    To answer
  • Michael

    Hello, the Boch smv63 dishwasher, it all started with error e15, I found damage to the bottom gum of the door - replaced it, removed the water from the tray, assembled the door. I turn on the network - nothing lights up, I check the power button - it works, there is voltage at the contacts. I don’t understand how the door closure sensor should work, Can you tell me what else to check.

    To answer
  • Andrew

    Good afternoon!
    He began to leak saline solution from the tank. Checked and washed the gasket in the lid. Visually without
    defects. The lid closes tightly and with force. The tank itself has smooth edges and no cracks are visible.
    Maybe tell me what could be the reason. P / M CENTURY. Attaching photo.
    Thanks in advance.

    To answer
  • Victor

    Good day.It seems that it’s not a handshake, but it’s not possible to determine a breakdown. I ask for your help !!!!!!! Built-in dishwasher Bosch. The faucet indicator is on and the water drain pump is constantly working (even when it is dry and there is no water)? The filter washed cleaned and the water supply too. I made program cuts by holding two buttons. Programs are selected but not started. And still pump shakes. HELP!

    To answer
  • Alexander

    Hello. I have an Electrolux ESF 43011 washer. After all the procedures, before starting and starting the machine, it stops for 10-20 minutes and the PROGRAM END and SALT indicators light up. Do not blink, but just light up and that's it. If you turn the program selector to position 0 and return it to the program and start again, the machine starts up again and runs for a short time. At the same time, you can hear how the water is being poured and everything inside is cycling, and then these lamps light up again and it stops. What could be the reason? Thanks in advance.

    To answer
  • Alla

    PMM Ariston. Gets very little water. Level below TENA. Tell me, please, what is the reason.

    To answer
    • Admin

      The reason may be a clogged hose from the pressure switch, or a clogged valve.

      To answer
  • Victoria

    Good afternoon! I have a Bosch dishwasher for her 8 years. Recently, after washing, I began to leave a white sticky coating on the dishes. Have tried a bunch of different pills, to no avail! Tell me what else you can do.
    Thanks in advance

    To answer
  • Vladimir

    The Hotpoint Ariston machine, a new one, has never started up. At the first start, it starts working, but after 3 minutes it stops and displays the error F 11. After opening, it is found that the dishes are completely dry, i.e. no water came.

    To answer
  • Ruslan

    Good afternoon! the SMEG dishwasher is lit on the END monitor; the touch panel only works with the ON / OFF button and none of them work anymore, the machine does not turn on, which may be tell me, there was no reaction from the outlet for a day.

    To answer
  • Sergei

    Dishwasher NEFF SX85A (S55T57X1EU / 07)
    Background. It began with the fact that once after washing the dishes were cold and wet. Cleared the filter.
    I try at 45 degrees. Periodically opened the door. Water is perfectly poured and drained and heated.
    I try at 50 degrees. All the same readings only water is not heated at all.
    I try in the mode of 55-65 degrees. Once he drove the same testimony only water is not heated at all. The second time WATER was EXCELLENTly heated.
    I try at 65-75 degrees in the standard soap cycle with cold water. The second time added a reduction in time washed perfectly. But during operation the faucet squeaked and burned, but the machine continued to work. He opened and closed the door and the car calmly perfectly finalized.
    Is this a problem with the brains of the machine ????

    To answer
    • Sergei

      Maybe someone will help. Without waiting for an answer that would surely help me save money, I called the master. The reason was simple. If someone has all the elements (pump, pump, heater) work. Take the time to find how to look at error codes and decrypt them. In my case, it turned out it was necessary to unscrew and clean the solenoid valve to supply water from the debris.

      To answer
  • Maxim

    Good afternoon! PMM elektrolux, the problem is as follows. After washing, salt deposits remain on the dishes. The dishes rust. I decided to wash the salt, and do not use it anymore (the water is soft) and the problem is not in the settings because everything is at a minimum. However, the question arose .... TEN now I will not rot from such a salt van ???
    The machine is relatively new

    To answer
  • Oleg

    ariston li 460 five programs error code 3 and 5 LED, which means this error was not found on the Internet. All answers are only about 4 and 6 programs. What might be wrong. The machine turns on, the cycle goes on, but it does not reach the end. Example: washing program 40 minutes , pours water, washes, detergent takes washes, drains, pours washes, drains, after about 20 minutes it stops and gives an LED code 3 and 5 and waits. Turning off the machine and turning it on again, typing a new program, it starts and everything repeats.

    To answer
  • Anna

    Hello. Bosch dishwasher does not complete the program to the end and the “faucet” sensor lights up. The filter was checked. Connected correctly. What could be the reason? Dishwasher after repair - replaced the electrical module.Has the module broken again? We’ll take you to the store under warranty, we want to repair it on our own. Thank.

    To answer
  • Maria

    Hello. PMM Zanussi ZDV91400FA, does not heat water well, does not wash and does not dry dishes. What is the reason?

    To answer
  • Vitaliy

    Good afternoon. Ariston LI 420 does not stop the washing mode when you open the door ... and the door began to close poorly.

    To answer
  • Alexei

    Good afternoon. PMM Bosch does not drain water in all modes, but does drain in rinse mode. In this case, accordingly, the heating mode does not occur and the valve lights up and error e 25. The pump and hose checked no fences.
    The drain pump also works. I repeat in rinse mode. Help find the cause of the disaster.

    To answer
  • Nastya

    Good afternoon! The dishwasher Indesit dsg 0517 after switching on the washing program (4th “eco”) worked for about forty minutes, then the start / pause button indicator began to flash. There was no water inside, the dishes were wet. After pressing the END button, the machine behaves as usual, the start / pause indicator flashes as usual, as if waiting for the program to start again. Tell me, please, what can it be?

    To answer
    • Olesya

      I have the same. But after a reboot, after about 30 minutes, the start / pause button flashes again often. How did you solve the problem, tell me please?

      To answer
  • Ekaterina

    Hello! I bought a built-in dishwasher in IKEA. It has been working properly since 2009. There were no problems. And then something happened: when the power button is turned on, the wash mode lamp for 65 degrees constantly lights up. And silence ... Nothing happens. Switching to other modes of operation with the button does not happen either. The machine stands rooted to the spot. What could it be?

    To answer
  • Kirill

    Good afternoon. Hmm Siemens, the cycle starts without problems, draws water, washes, then the faucet and another indicator starts to blink. You can hear the pump shaking. does not respond to any button. you shake the machine a bit, everything disappears, but after a minute the same thing starts again, if you do not turn off the button.

    To answer
  • Alexander

    Good afternoon. PM Ariston. Brand new machine. The indicator of the absence of an antifoam is on, in fact the tank is full. What could be the reason? Maybe the sensor itself breaks.

    To answer
  • Glory

    Good afternoon.
    PM Samsung DW50H4050BB flow from under the door from the lower right. Somewhere 30 minutes after the start.
    If the rinse is not leaking. The filter is clean. 2.5 years car

    To answer
  • Alexei

    Good evening! Please prompt, PMM "Vestel" for a year the case is beating an electric shock. What is the reason? One of the versions - breaks the ten, but if it were ten, then in a year it would fail. Help me to understand!

    To answer
  • Alex

    Hello, please help. The dishwasher stopped collecting water. It emits a pump sound. and the water does not collect. The work timer works.

    To answer
  • Igor

    Hello! PMM hotpoint-ariston lsf 835 did not use it for a year. When launched, it draws water (the sound of water is heard), the timer works, but no water flows inside. Periodically clicks are heard as a relay and a sound is heard as something rubs.

    To answer
  • Inna

    Hello! I can’t find the answer anywhere on the indicators. PMM Bosch, the tap and dryer indicators are lit at the same time. What could be?

    To answer
  • Elena

    Hello. When you press the start button, nothing happens, the machine will not turn on, although the indicators are on. Siemens.

    To answer
  • Eugene

    Good evening, tell me what's wrong with Indesit. You start the cycle. The water picks up then hisses as if the water is heating and at the end of the cycle it drains the water, i.e. the blades do not spin. The filters cleaned the blades too. They called the master on the phone and said that the wash indicator burned out. Is it so?

    To answer
  • Irina

    Good afternoon.
    PMM Bosch. The term of use is 5 years. I completely pour the volume of salt into the salt compartment.And exactly after 1 wash, the icon again lights up, informing that there is not enough salt.
    What could it be?
    Thank you in advance.

    To answer
  • Alevtina

    Hello. PMM Electrolux is working fine, but recently after the end of a given program it does not turn off, but launches another program. What is the reason tell me. Thank!

    To answer
  • Dmitry

    Good afternoon.
    Dishwasher Electrolux does not turn on.
    The on button is constantly on. and a drying button with salt.
    What to do? Thank.

    To answer
  • Vladislav

    Good day to all!
    PMM bosch sms63n02ru. Does not wash the bottom compartment. Sprayer does not rotate. Everything is clean everywhere. The top washes perfectly.
    What could be the problem?

    To answer
  • Pavel

    PM Bosch SKS 60e18 RU. Suddenly, she stopped taking the powder from the compartment. The compartment opens properly, but the powder does not spill down for some reason. As a result, the dishes remain dirty.
    No errors are highlighted, PM fulfills any program, but without meaning.
    It became noticeable by ear - as if the beam was spinning only at minimum speed, without increasing speed (I clearly remember the sound when the beam was accelerated before). You can hear the relay clicking, but nothing happens.
    What could it be?
    How to start PM with an open door to visually see?

    To answer
  • Pavel

    Adding to the comment at 22:59. PM Bosch SKS60e18 RU (This is a "compact" model, with one rocker at the bottom).
    I cleaned the filter (it was unblocked). He took off the rocker, spilled water through it - the water spills properly, the nozzles are not driven.
    And I have no simple malfunctions, as I noticed. )) If it’s hit, then to the maximum. ((.
    He put a magnet on the top of the door (where the recess for the lock), PM identified that the door was supposedly closed, and thus launched the PM with the door open. What I see - the water flooded normally, and then the rocker should spin, pouring from the nozzles. A buzz (neither strong nor loud) sounded, water poured from the nozzles of the rocker arm (fountains 5-7 cm high, maybe this is not enough?), The rocker jerked, but did not rotate! And it didn’t spin, it stands still and pours fountains. PM reached the end of the program, drained the water. Then I checked the rotation of the rocker arm with my hand - it rotates absolutely easily and nothing prevents it. What could it be? thank

    To answer
    • Vyacheslav

      Paul, good afternoon. I have a similar problem. How did you decide this?

      To answer
  • Altynbek

    hello indesit machine. loaded the dishes there was a click when turned on and further it does not work.

    To answer
  • Alyona

    Hello, I have a Candy machine. The problem is this: when you start the quick wash program (25 minutes), it does the dishes for an hour. This has never happened before. What with her?

    To answer
  • Olga

    Hello, I have an electrolux dishwasher. It started to malfunction, as if it starts to wash, then it produces a sound signal or the drain is constantly triggered and the pump buzzes until you turn it off

    To answer
  • Boris

    Good evening, the Bosch dishwasher, recently the following symptoms periodically appear: after the audible signal to end the work cycle, I open the door, and the indication does not light. I turn off the stop / start button. In order to start the machine, I press the stop / start button with a non-illuminating indication of the programs of work and the machine without light indication starts the previous program with the noise of the pump. What could be the reason.

    To answer
  • Natalya

    Hello! We have Mmm Midea 60 cm. It stopped responding to the “1/2 download” button (it used to work). All other buttons and programs work successfully, only this one has failed.

    To answer
  • Andrew

    Good afternoon.
    After the last sinks, a leak began to appear under the mm. He removed the case, started the cycle.
    When pouring water, splashes fly out through a square hole (marked with an arrow in the photo).
    Tell me, what is it for and how to fix it?

    upd: Launched pmm without a case.Perhaps this is a hole for the release of steam from hot water in mm after heating.
    Tape it with tape and pierced with an awl a hole in the tape. It seems to be the norm.

    I see, master, I have not answered for almost 9 months, but suddenly ..

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  • Sergei

    Hello! Tell me what could be the reason, after replacing the drain pump, the dishwasher is whirlpool, the water is poured and the same is drained, the washing process does not start, and so several times after which the machine starts to beep and the rinse indicator blinks intensively.

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  • Alexander

    Hello! The BEKO dishwasher buzzes when it is turned on but does not wash. What could be the reason? Thank.

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  • Victoria

    Hello, the hot point machine is new, we decided to wash it for the first time, it doesn’t wash, it turns on then the water draws a little bit and it beeps if the washing is finished, I tried a different quick wash mode, it has been working for 2 hours and the dishes are dirty and the powder is in place

    To answer
  • Dmitry

    Help, how can I turn off the dishwasher (BOSH) if the CRAN sign flashes on the indicator.
    I tried to turn it off according to the instructions, but it does not work.

    If possible, send a video / photo of how to turn off the car in this case.

    To answer
  • Michael

    In the process of washing, the machine was knocked out.
    This TEN began to while away?

    To answer
  • Vitaliy

    Good afternoon!
    PM Electrolux ESL46010 you press the ON button or nothing happens or sometimes the indicators light up for a few seconds and the water supply turns on and all the indicators go out and silence. Is repair possible or for scrap?

    To answer
  • Yulia

    good afternoon
    I have such a problem - the electrolux dishwasher was plugged in, most likely there was a power surge, now when the plug is plugged in, the dishwasher immediately turns the motor on and does not respond to buttons. What could it be?

    To answer
  • Andrew

    Hello, mmm beko dsfs 1530 after washing on any program resets to the third third program, but it seems to be washing as usual, only by what it resets, although for example you install the fifth program after completion and shutdown when you turn it on again it shows the third program, maybe it’s like that restart or is this error popping up which one? How many searched for the answer and did not find, thank you earlier

    To answer
  • Matvey


    PMM Beko DFN 6611.
    Water flows into the pan. Found where the leak is (see photo). I don’t know what the part with leakage is called, but to the left of it and on it itself are visible traces of powder (?), When it is removed drops of water and traces of powder (?) Are visible. How to eliminate a leak? What and how to dismantle?

    To answer
  • Mikhail

    Good afternoon.

    Dishwasher AEG. Power is supplied (the lamp is on), but the mode (program) does not light up and does not start when pressed, the soundtrack occurs. That is, when you press the buttons, there is a signal, but the lamps of the selected programs do not light up and the programs do not start. The problem was fixed by disconnecting the plug from the network for an hour or two, now this does not help either.

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  • Alexander

    hello, tell me if the ASK dishwasher is not difficult, it seems that the power has disappeared, does not respond to any buttons. maybe something to see.

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  • Alexander

    Good evening! The electrolux machine esf 63021 turned off during operation, didn’t wash the dishes, did not drain the water. And now it doesn’t turn on, no buttons react. There is power in the outlet. What could be the reason, tell me, please.

    To answer
  • Pavel

    Please tell me how to solve the problem with the compact Bosch SKS50E32EU dishwasher. During the operation of the PMM, after 30-50-80 minutes after starting, the process stops. The faucet icon is on. When opening the door there is a lot of muddy water. The dishes are cloudy and warm. The tablet is dissolved.
    To check what is happening inside, I disassembled the external circuit.When starting with the removed contour of the body and the pallet, no leakage was detected. The water leakage sensor hangs, does not block the water supply. Water supply and discharge occurs normally - preliminary water removal and subsequent filling takes place according to the program. Filter clean, pump without clogging. The dishes are put almost clean. I start the car in an eco mode of 50 degrees. Where to look? Check what? Thanks in advance for the tip, advice.

    To answer
  • Gennady

    Good afternoon.
    PMM Hotpoint-Ariston LFT 116a
    After switching on for any program, the PMM drains the water, fills the water, gives a short sound signal and drains the water again.
    When the door is opened, the diodes “Power”, “Eco-wash” (that is, the first of the programs) and the third, that is, “Soak” blink.
    Where to climb, what to watch?

    To answer
    • Gennady

      The issue has been resolved.

      ☀ ✲ ☀ ✲ ✲ ✲
      Faulty pressure switch, no information coming from it

      The error appears in two cases:

      after the turbine, according to the program, poured 2 liters of water into the tank, the signal “Full” was not received from the relay;
      after the end of the heating timeout, the relay remains in the "Empty" position.
      Possible reasons:
      The pressure switch is damaged: if diagnostics install it, the relay will have to be replaced
      The hose (tube) of the relay is disconnected or damaged: check the hose, fasten or replace the damaged one
      Water clogged air trap or damaged
      Too much foam has accumulated in the machine: for possible reasons, see the article “Why foam remains in the dishwasher”
      He removed the side wall, removed the pressure sensor. Disconnected the hose. I checked the operability of the sensor by dialing the tester and blowing into the tube. Blown hose. Collected. Everything is working.

      To answer
  • Vladimir

    Good afternoon.

    PMM Ariston LL40 Perfectly worked for several years without complaints. Once at the next connection when setting the washing mode with water heating: it comes to the moment the heater is turned on and a sound similar to the buzz of a poorly drawn transformer appears, the heater heats up. The maximum was kept in this mode for about a minute - turned off to avoid further problems. In other modes, it works fine, completely fulfilling the entire cycle. Which direction to dig?

    To answer
  • Alexei

    Hello, please tell me what could be the problem. After a week of use, Electrolux ESF9552LOW began to drip from below to the left under the door, adjusted again according to the level (wooden and centenary floors), stopped dripping but makes a noise during the washing itself. Thanks.

    To answer
  • Vladimir

    Hello. The Hotpoint-Ariston dishwasher fills with water, starts washing for a couple of minutes, then drains the water, draws it again, washes a couple of minutes and drains. Such a cycle goes on constantly, for how long I didn’t try to look, I noticed when after a couple of hours the machine didn’t wash the dishes, and the wash indicator lights up, I suspect that this cycle has been going on all this time. Errors do not pop up. Thank.

    To answer
  • Alexei

    Problems with diagnosing the malfunction of the Elenberg DW-9001 dishwasher. When the program starts, the “normal” programmer knob rotates in the normal mode, as soon as it reaches about the middle of the sector, the “economical” programmer knob stops and in this mode the machine can work forever. If you turn the programmer knob by 3 clicks with your hand, then the machine works further as if nothing had happened. After the handle reaches the middle of the “rinse” mode, the handle also stops and the machine again works forever. After helping with a hand (3 clicks), the machine continues to work as if nothing had happened and regularly finishes washing the dishes. there is the same troubles when you turn on the "glass". Immediately after starting up, this mode starts working and the programmer knob can continue indefinitely while not moving, but if you turn the knob again by three clicks, the machine will work longer as absolutely serviceable. When you turn on the soaking program, the machine does not show any signs of malfunction. Can you tell me the possible causes of the malfunction? Which way to dig, where to look for a malfunction?

    To answer
  • Larisa

    Hello, I have a Siemens dishwasher 5 years old, it began to turn off during the washing process, then it will turn off, it will turn on sometimes it even ends the program with periodic blackouts. It heats up the water, draws water, drains the water. What’s the reason and whether it is worth repairing, in my opinion, an unprofessional reason electronics.

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  • droopy

    Good day, when starting any program, the PMM gives an error at the very beginning when draining the water. Water drains, the drain lasts a little longer than usual, but at the end of the drain, water does not begin to accumulate. The car stops and nothing happens. The first indicator flashes. Dismantled the drain system, cleaned, the drain works without comment. There is no water in the sump, the water sensor, if manually moved, physically works.

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  • Vika

    Hello. May be able to help. Dishwasher, collects everything, drains, heats, and does not wash. sound - there is something working, but the water sprayers do not spin at all.

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  • Maxim

    Good afternoon!
    Hansa MRP, the washing cycle was interrupted by opening the door for 5 hours. The electronic akvastop broke (checked with a voltmeter), replaced with a new hose with an akvastop. The first launch - I washed everything perfectly. I turn on the second sink cut down by the pilot. I plug it into a direct outlet, it starts to work, but after 40 minutes a new aquastop is already covering. Do I understand correctly that the problem is most likely in the board? And tell me where it is located in the Hansa ZIM 606H. Thank you in advance for your reply.

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  • Galina

    Good afternoon! Machine Neff 5 years thanks to her! But it happens that the upper third compartment for instruments does not wash well! And sometimes it starts to buzz, as if gaining strength!

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  • Love

    Good evening! We have the PMM Hanca. When you press the start button almost simultaneously, the “glasses” lamp lights up spontaneously and an intermittent beep sounds. What could be the reason, and what to do?

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  • Eugene

    Good afternoon! Please tell me: dishwasher AEG-Elektrolux. The exhaust pump is turned on and does not turn off. Then error I20 appears. There is no water in the machine or in the pan. If I pour water, the pump immediately pumps it out. Pressostat checked tester - in order.

    To answer
    • Sergei

      Didn't find a reason? I just have the same story on an indesit! Just turn it on, after 3 seconds, the motor turns on and the power button and the first program button blink!

      To answer
  • Alexander

    Hello, tell me they connected the typewriter but forgot to cut a hole in the siphon drain, turned on the dishwasher for an hour and a half, then there were wet spots on the floor, remembered that they had not digged the hole, fixed it again, turned on the water merged and now there is a monotonous sound from it and it seems that it doesn’t fill the water, which could break.

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  • Galina

    Kind time of the day, tell me please, after turning off the machine, slowly water is typed, min for 30 minutes, the car Virpul, used to work fine

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  • Misha

    Hello! Who knows what this thing is called? When overflowing, sparkled.

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  • Alina

    Good afternoon, the dishwasher began to turn off after 7 years of operation. All buttons go out, picks up water, goes out; can wash for 15-30-40 minutes, and then goes out again. Instead of 2 declared hours, it can wash an indefinite amount of time until you turn it off yourself; it happens that no button is lit at all. Masters called:
    master number 1- said that the ten is broken and the wen on the nozzle, replaced the ten and the nozzle; they soldered something on the circuit board (he took it, then brought it), according to him, he took it to several masters to several places; the machine works all the same;
    master number 2 (from the same office) - I checked everything, it turned out that the machine was incorrectly pushed into place (the hose was bent, the machine picked up water, washed 20 minutes and turned off again), twisted something else, and put it in place, the machine is working all the same;
    master number 3 (the same office) - I checked everything, and with the new version the machine is all right, BUT! There are drops in the network, the voltage drops to 198, according to him it is criminal for a dishwasher, so they took her to their place to check there, they say if it works properly then everything is ok, money (15,000 rubles) for the repair is naturally not worth returning; repair lasts from 11/14/19 today, 01/21/20 and the machine still does not work 🤷‍♀️ Please advise what to do 🙏

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  • Ekaterina

    Now we are using a Siemens dishwasher and we noticed at the end of the cycle a button with a tap starts flashing, we also noticed that the dishes are cold and poorly washed, before that we used Leran and Bosch machines, the shadows changed exactly the same and after a while the same thing, then after Warranties were changed to another car, so I worked with Siemens for 1 year and 2 months, the warranty is over, the repair is not cheap. I don’t want to change the shadows every year, it costs about 8-10 thousand. What could be the reason for the constant breakdown? I really want to know and fix this constant problem.

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